Job Services dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Use the Job Services dialog box to automatically run any number of jobs on multiple projects/EPS nodes at a specified time. Defining a job service requires the appropriate access rights.

Job #: A reference number associated with each job.

Job Name: Enter a brief description of the job. You can enter 100 characters.

Status: Choose Enabled for jobs that you want to run at a designated date and time; choose Disabled to turn off any job that you do not want to run.

Service Type: Specifies the job type: Apply Actuals, Batch Reports, Export, Schedule, or Summarize. You cannot change the job service type once a project/EPS node is assigned in the Job Options tab.

Last Run: Displays the last date and time that the job was run.

Next Run: Displays the next scheduled date and time for the job.

The following tabs are available:

In addition, the following buttons are available in the Job Services dialog box:

Add: Adds a new job service.

Delete: Removes the selected job service.

Related Topics

Job Details tab - Job Services dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Job Options tab - Job Services dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

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