Microsoft Project Importing Options -- Resources

If resource security is enabled (you have limited or no resource access), the following restrictions apply when importing resources from a Microsoft Project file:

A) Limited resource access

If the resource to be imported already exists in the resource dictionary:

Keep Existing

Update Existing


Add New Resource

Existing resource you have access to (under your root node)


Resource data is updated.

The resource is added as a child under the resource you selected for  Import Under Resource  field.* In order to keep resources unique in the resource dictionary, the Resource ID is appended by "-1". (For example, if the Resource ID is "Labor", the new Resource ID will be "Labor-1")  

Existing resource you do not have access to (outside your root node)



If the resource to be imported does not exist in the resource dictionary, the Add New Resource checkbox determines whether to add the new resource or not. If the checkbox is marked, the new resources is added under the parent resource selected in the Import Resource Under field.*

* If the selected parent resource for Import Under Resource field is not under your root resource node, this settings will be ignored, and the new resources will be added under your resource root node.

B) No resource access

If you have no resource access, you cannot import resources.

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