Modify Global Change dialog box

Use the Modify Global Change dialog box to define changes using If:Then:Else expressions.

Select Subject Area: Choose the subject area to determine what activity information is affected when the global change is run. Choose Activities to select parameters for expressions that can affect all activity information. Choose Activity Resource Assignments to select parameters for expressions that can affect an activity's resource information. Choose Project Expenses to select parameters for expressions that can affect an activity's expense information.

Global Change Name: Type a name to identify the specification.

If: Click the plus or minus sign to show or hide rows in the global change statement.

Parameter: Choose Any or All of the following. When you choose Any of the following, the change is made if any one of the If: statements is satisfied. When you choose All of the following, the change applies only when all the If: statements are satisfied.

Is / Value / High Value: If statements define the conditions used to make changes to project data.

Then / Parameter / Is / Parameter/Value / Operator / Parameter/Value: Define Then statements to specify the changes to make to project data when the If conditions are satisfied.

Else / Parameter / Is / Parameter/Value / Operator / Parameter/Value: Define Else statements to specify the changes to make to project data when the If conditions are not met.


When connected to a P6 EPPM database: If you are applying a global change to a unit or duration field, the Use the assigned calendar to specify the number of work hours for each time period checkbox (set using the P6, Application Settings) is ignored if set. Because it is ignored, the global change applies the unit or duration value based on the Application Settings hours per time period settings.

Change: Displays a report showing which data will change. Click Commit Changes to process the changes, or click Cancel changes if you do not want to run the Global Change.

Add: Adds a new line of criteria to the If, Then, or Else statement.

Delete: Deletes the selected line of criteria.

Cut: Removes the selected text.

Copy: Copies the selected text.

Paste: Pastes text that you cut or copied.

Arrow keys: Moves the selected item to a different position in the display.

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Last Published Friday, October 1, 2021