Specify a resource profile's data and display options for a stacked histogram

The stacked histogram profile displayed in the Top Layout or Bottom Layout window shows resource allocation for one or more resource filters you specify in the profile settings. You must add a resource filter that selects the resources to include in the profile, then specify the color and pattern for the filter's bar. The profile legend in the left pane displays a list of the resource filters and their corresponding colors and patterns. To specify whether you want to display the profile in role or resource view, click the Display Options bar in the left pane, then choose Select View, By Resource or By Role.

To specify data and display options

  1. In the window displaying the profile, click the Display Options bar and choose either Top Layout Options or Bottom Layout Options, Stacked Histogram.
  2. Click the Display Options bar and choose either Top Layout Options or Bottom Layout Options, Profile Settings.
  3. Click the Data tab.
  4. Select the type of information to display: At Completion Units or At Completion Cost.
  5. Mark the Display Actual using Financial Period data option if you want to display past period actual values. Do not mark the checkbox if you want to display actual to date values.

    Note: If projects are summarized by financial period (which is controlled by an administrative setting), this option is ignored. When projects are summarized by financial period and you display a financial period timescale, the profile displays past period actual values if performance has been stored for a financial period; for financial periods that do not have stored performance, the profile displays actual to date values in financial period intervals.
  6. In the Show area, choose to show individual curves representing the cumulative value for each filter/group name of resources or choose to show one cumulative curve as a total for all filter/group names of resources .
  7. Add a resource or role filter to view in the profile. Double-click the Resource/Role Filter/Group Name field to modify the selected resource or role filter specification.

    Click Add to specify a new resource or role filter. Create a resource or role filter specification to select an individual resource or role, or a group of resources or roles. For example, you can specify a filter that selects resources with the same resource code value.

    Click Delete to remove a resource/role filter/group name.
  8. Select the pattern and color for the selected resource/role filter/group name.

    You can click the Up or Down arrows to arrange the filter list in the order it will display in the stacked histogram.
  9. Click the Graph tab.
  10. To display a vertical background line for major and/or minor timescale increments, in the Vertical Lines area, mark the corresponding checkbox. For example, in a Year/Month format timescale, major lines would display between years; minor lines would display between months.
  11. To display horizontal lines for each numerical increment listed along the side of the profile, choose the type of line you want to display, then select the line color. Choose None to hide background horizontal lines.
  12. To specify additional profile display options, mark the corresponding checkboxes:

    3D Bars: Mark to display the profile’s bars in 3D.

    Show Values: Mark to display the values of each bar in the histogram.

    Background Color: Click to change the profile's background color.

    Calculate Average: Mark to specify the values you want to use to divide the timescale interval totals.

    Divide Interval Totals By: To divide the timescale interval totals by an increment you specify, type it in this field.

    Base on Hours Per Timeperiod: To divide the timescale interval totals by automatic increments, based on the date interval selected, mark this checkbox. When you choose this option, the Divide Interval Totals By field displays the division increment based on the division increment specified in User Preferences for the corresponding date interval: 1h for Hour date interval, 2h for Shift date interval, 8h for Day date interval, 40h for week date interval, and so on.

    Unit of Measure: Specify the unit of measure for the timescale intervals.
  13. To specify the interval and dates to use to calculate time-distributed data for the profile, and to specify which projects are included (open only or open and specific closed projects) when you select the Show Remaining For, All Projects option, click Preferences. Then, click the Resource Analysis tab.


Related Topics

Select spreadsheet data fields

More Detail: Set Resource Analysis Preferences

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