Create or Open... Dialog Box


Use this dialog box to add a new layout. Select the projects you want to use when drawing the diagram. Then, you can create a new layout or copy from an existing layout.

Screen Elements

Projects Search and Filter field

Enter text to automatically filter the list of projects to show only entries that match the text. If this field is blank, all entries are listed. EPS node hierarchies for projects that match the search criteria will display. All other EPS nodes and project will not. This field is not available if you chose to open a Schedule Comparison. To configure projects for a Schedule Comparison, click Options.

Available Projects list

The list of EPS nodes and available projects. You can double-click project entries to send them to the Selected Projects list. If you select an EPS node, all projects within that node will be sent to the Selected Projects list. This field is not available if you chose to open a Schedule Comparison. To configure projects for a Schedule Comparison, click Options.

Selected Projects list

The list of projects you have selected from the Available Projects list. You can double-click project entries to remove them from this list. This field is not available if you chose to open a Schedule Comparison. To configure projects for a Schedule Comparison, click Options.

Select Items button

Adds the selected item or items from the available list to the selected list. This button is not available if you chose to open a Schedule Comparison.

Deselect Items button

Removes the selected item from the selected list. This button is not available if you chose to open a Schedule Comparison.

Create New/Create New from existing/Open from existing options

Select to create a new layout, to create a new layout from an existing layout, or to open an existing layout.

Name field

Enter a name for the layout. This option is not available if you select Open from existing.

Layouts Search and Filter field

Enter text to automatically filter the list of layouts to show only entries that match the text. If this field is blank, all entries are listed.

Layout list

Displays the available layouts. Layouts are listed under Global, Project, or User. Project ID and Project Name are displayed.

Draw on demand option

For TSLD layouts, select to improve Visualizer performance significantly for layouts representing large projects.

Help button

Click to launch the help.

Next button

Click to advance to Step 2: Create your layout. You must have at least one project selected to click Next. This button is not available if you chose to open a Schedule Comparison.

Back button

Click to return to Step 1: Select your projects. This button is not available if you chose to open a Schedule Comparison.

Cancel button

Click to close the dialog box without creating your layout.

Options button

Click to modify the layout settings. This button is disabled if "Create New from existing" was selected but no layout was selected in the Layout list. Also disabled if a layout name is not specified.

Draw button

Click to draw the layout using the default settings or those from the copied layout. You can modify the settings after the layout is drawn. This button is disabled if "Create New from existing" was selected but no layout was selected in the Layout list. Also disabled if a layout name is not specified.

Getting Here

From the Visualizer window, click Add then select Gantt, TSLD, or Schedule Comparison.

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Last Published Friday, October 1, 2021