Layout Options page


Use this page to modify settings associated with a layout and to draw the corresponding Gantt chart, TSLD or Schedule Comparison. You can repeatedly modify settings and draw the resulting diagram by clicking the Save & Draw button then the Options button.

Screen Elements

Chart & Grid tab

This tab only appears when you are creating a Gantt chart.

Use the Chart & Grid tab to specify columns and their order, to specify text wrapping and width for plain text fields, specify width and height of rows for HTML fields, to customize the appearance of rows and the header, and to determine if the Gantt chart is displayed.

Timescale tab

This tab only appears when you are creating a Gantt chart or TSLD.

Use the Timescale tab to set the primary and zoomed areas of the timescale and to format the timescale, dates, and vertical sight lines.

Bars & Labels tab

This tab only appears when you are creating a Gantt chart or TSLD.

Use the Bars & Labels tab to specify bars and endpoints, properties, arrangement, shape, color, pattern, bar necking, color bars by activity code, format borders, and filters. You can specify bar label properties, arrangement, and font.

Lines tab

This tab only appears when you are creating a Gantt chart or TSLD.

Use the Lines tab to choose to show relationship lines, to format relationship lines, to show and format a data date line, and to show connections for all visible activities, external relationships, and filtered activities. You can show borders for activity groupings for TSLD Layouts.

Group & Sort tab

This tab only appears when you are creating a Gantt chart or TSLD.

Use the Group & Sort tab to group and sort activities and to specify other settings based on groupings or sortings.

Filters tab

This tab only appears when you are creating a Gantt chart or TSLD.

Use the Filters tab to define the logical constraints and data for the filter, and to add, delete, and modify filter entries and selections.

Page Setup tab

This tab only appears when you are creating a Gantt chart or TSLD.

Use the Page Setup tab to enter values that affect page setup for printed output, including information for spacing and the title block.

Project tab

This tab only appears when you are creating a Schedule Comparison.

Use the Project tab to define the projects or project baselines to compare. You can compare two projects, two baselines or a project and a baseline. You can include multiple comparisons in a Schedule Comparison layout.

General tab

This tab only appears when you are creating a Schedule Comparison.

Use the General tab to define your grouping preference and the format and output file for the report.

Advanced tab

This tab only appears when you are creating a Schedule Comparison.

Use the Advanced tab to define which data types to compare.

Close Layout button

Click to close the open layout and return to the blank opening page.


Click to refresh project-related data.

Cancel button

Click to cancel all changes made to your layout. Clicking Cancel will revert your layout to the last saved state.

Save button

Click to save your layout options.

Save As button

Click to create a new layout from the currently opened file.

Save & Draw button

Click to save your layout options and to draw your layout at any point with the modified settings.


You can save and draw your settings at any point by clicking Save & Draw on the toolbar.

Getting Here

From the Create or Open... dialog box, or from the Diagram page, click Options.

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Last Published Friday, October 1, 2021