Manage Layouts Dialog Box


Use the Manage Layouts dialog box to delete layouts, copy layouts, move layouts to global or project category, and import or export layouts.

Screen Elements

Layouts Search and Filter field

Enter text to automatically filter the list of layouts to show only entries that match the text. If this field is blank, all entries are listed.

Filter By list

Enables you to filter the list of layouts by All, Gantt, TSLD, or Schedule Comaprison.

Delete button

Click to delete the selected layout. You must have the Add/Edit/Delete Global Visualizer Layouts and Add/Edit/Delete Project Visualizer Layouts to delete global and project layouts.

Copy button

Click to copy the selected layout.

Paste button

Click to add the copy of the selected layout. You must have the Add/Edit/Delete Global Visualizer Layouts and Add/Edit/Delete Project Visualizer Layouts privileges to paste global and project layouts. You can paste by selecting a category band or by selecting an existing layout, which will add the copied layout to the same category as the selected layout.

Move to Global button

Moves the selected User or Project layout to the Global category. You must have the Add/Edit/Delete Global Visualizer Layouts and Add/Edit/Delete Project Visualizer Layouts privileges to promote layouts from the Project category but you only need the Add/Edit/Delete Global Visualizer Layouts privilege when promoting from a User category.

Move to Project button

Moves the selected User layout to the Project category. You must have the Add/Edit/Delete Project Visualizer Layouts privilege.

Export button

Exports the selected layout to a .VLF file.

Import button

Imports a layout from a .VLF file.

Layout list

The name of each layout. This field has a Global layout, Project layout, and User layout category. You can remove layouts by clicking the x on the highlighted layout name. You must have the Add/Edit/Delete Global Visualizer Layouts and Add/Edit/Delete Project Visualizer Layouts privileges to delete global and project layouts.

Type list

Displays if the layout is a Gantt, TSLD or Schedule Comparison.

Project ID list

Displays the project ID associated with the layout.

Project Name list

Displays the project name associated with the layout.

Getting Here

From the Visualizer Window, click More. Select Manage.

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Last Published Friday, October 1, 2021