Defining Charts and Grids (Gantt Only)

Use the Chart & Grid tab to specify which fields you want to display, to customize the appearance of fields, to set text limitations, to customize the appearance of row color, and to customize the appearance of the grid header.

Before you begin this task, open the Layout Options page as described in one of the following tasks:

It is from the context of those tasks that you click the Chart & Grid tab to define fields, styling, and choose to display the Gantt chart.

When you finish the following task, resume at the step in the applicable previous task where you left off.

To define grids for the layout:

  1. On the Chart & Grid tab of the Layout Options page:
    1. On the Content tab,
      • Choose to show the Gantt Chart and Grid, only the Gantt Chart, or only the Grid.

        Notes: If you select Grid only,

        • the Grid Position option on this tab is not applicable.
        • the Timescale, Bars & Labels, and Lines tabs are not applicable.
        • the Scaling area on the Page tab of the Page Setup tab, the Show Legend option on the Title Block tab of the Page Setup tab, and the Spacing tab of the Page Setup tab are not applicable.
      • Select the Grid Position to display the grid to the left or to the right of the Gantt.
      • Select Show line numbers if you want to display the Line Numbers column in the Grid.

        Note: If grouping is used, numbering will only apply to what is displayed. If a band is collapsed, only the band, not the entries within it, will be numbered.

      • To add a field to the grid view, click Add and select the field type from the drop down list. You can determine display title, and the column and row position for each field.
      • To remove a field from the grid view, select Delete.
      • If you want to display the default fields, select the Default button.
      • In the Font area, you can customize the font, font style, font size, and color of the text.
      • In the Text Wrap area, you can select to wrap text, specify the maximum number of lines to wrap text, and the maximum field width for plain text fields. You can select the maximum field width and maximum field height for HTML fields. This area is not applicable when a table field is selected.

        Note: If you specify zero as the maximum field width or height, the width or height is auto-sized.

    2. On the Row tab,
      • Select Use one color for all rows to use only one color for the row backgrounds. You can select a color.
      • Select Use alternating row colors to specify two colors two distinguish activities in the grid.
    3. On the Header tab, you can customize the font, font style, font size, and color of text and the background color of the grid.


To restore the default fields setting, click Default.

You can resize field widths in the Grid on the Diagram page. However, resizing only adds blank space. It does not change any text wrap settings.

In order for the Timescale to stay the same (per page) for the entire report, scroll down the length of the diagram so that the grid columns can auto-size to the widest cell.

Related Topics

Working with Charts and Grids (Gantt Only)

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Last Published Friday, October 1, 2021