Analytics Log (Business Process) Setup

You can set up Dashboards and Analyses, for Unifier Business Process, in Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise (OBIE) analyses and select the Business Process data that you want to use for analyses.

When you open a Business Process in the Analytics node, you will see the Analytics - Business Process Setup window with the following tabs:

Business Processes tab

Select Business Processes for Analytics

The Business Processes tab allows you to select the Business Process that you want to use in Analytics.

Use the Add or Remove buttons to add or remove the Business Processes for Analytics. To add a new Business Process for use in Analytics:

  1. Click Add to open the Select Business Processes for Analytics window that lists all the company-level, Shell-level, and Project-level Business Processes, in alphabetical order.

    Note: This list includes Active and Inactive Business Processes.

  2. Select one Business Process, or select as many as you need, and click OK to add the Business Process to the log.

    Note: After you added the Business Process, that Business Process will no longer be available in the Select Business Processes for Analytics list.

You can remove a Business Process that is published for Analytics. To remove a Business Process for use in Analytics, select the Business Process from the Select Business Processes for Analytics list and click Remove. You can delete multiple Business Processes from the list. You can add a removed Business Process for Analytics reporting. Click Add if you want to add a removed Business Process to the list.

If Company Administrator inactivates a Business Process that has been used for Analytics, then this Business Process continues to remain in the Business Processes tab. If you remove a Business Process from the Business Processes tab, data that exists in Analytics, for the removed Business process, remains as is; however, the new data will not be published.

To save space, you can decide not to track the history of facts and dimensions, on a Business Process.

In the Analytics - Business Processes Setup window (Business Processes tab) you can select a business process and mark to not track the history of the business process data elements (Track History of Data Elements? column). By default, all BPs in this tab are selected to have their history tracked. After your initial selection in the Track History of Data Elements? column for a BP, if you open the Analytics - Business Processes Setup window and go to the Business Processes tab and deselect the track history option for a BP, then Unifier will notify you that the BP will no longer maintain the historical data in Analytics.

For a BP with track history option selected, all data mapping changes for the elements of the BP will be recorded as errors in the historical data in Analytics.

Note: The Track History of Data Elements? column values will be included in the Configuration Package during export or import.

Custom Fields tab

The Custom Fields tab is available after you add your Business Processes in the Business Processes tab. The Custom Fields tab has two sections:

You can specify values in each field to set the number of user-defined fields for Data Mapping. The default values displayed are based on the existing user-defined fields limit that is currently set in Unifier.

The total number of Main Form custom fields cannot exceed 900. Similarly the total number of Line Item custom fields cannot exceed 900.

When entering values in the fields:

Data Mapping tab

The Data Mapping tab allows you to map the predefined Analytic Business Process fields to a corresponding Unifier Data Element (DE) in the Business Process.


The Data Mapping tab displays the following information:


The Name column is pre-populated and displays the following names:

The names above represent the fields used in OBI. These are read-only fields and you cannot modify them.

All the "Main Form" fields are listed first and are sorted alphabetically within the source.

All the "Line Item" fields are listed after the Main form fields and are sorted alphabetically within the source.


The Source column displays the location of the Data Element (DE) seen in the Data Source. For Business Processes, the DEs can either be from the "Main Form" or the "Line Item."

Data Source

The Data Source column contains a consolidated list of all DEs for all of the selected Business Processes in the Business Processes tab. In addition:

User Defined Attributes

The User Defined Attributes section of the Data Mapping tab lists the following columns:

The Label will be based on the selected DE label, but you can change it.

Use the Add, Modify, and Remove to add, modify, or remove user defined attributes.

To modify a user-defined attribute, click to select the attribute, click Modify, and modify the fields.

To remove a user-defined attribute, click to select the attribute, click Remove, and modify the fields.

To add a user-defined attribute, read the following information:

When you click Add, the Add User Defined Attribute window opens. This window allows you to select the following mandatory fields:

The Data Type that you select impacts the Name and the Data Source of the user-defined attribute. The Data Type field allows you to select the following attributes, only:

For example, if you select String as your Data Type, you can:

Analytics Dimension and Fact

The Data Type that you select corresponds to the Analytics fields as follows:

Additional information

Summary Payment Application (SPA) SOV type BPs

You can perform data reporting in Analytics for Base Commit, Change Commit, and Payment Application Business Processes of SPA SOV type. The system sends the following Cost allocation Line Item details to Analytics:

If you need to transfer data from any field (at the Summary level) to Analytics, then you must map the field to a User Defined Field in Line Items of the Business Process. The system sends the mapped field to Analytics as a part of Cost allocation Line Item.

Note: Users can map any field that exist in the Detail form.

The values of the fields in the existing Cost allocation Line Items are retained for the fields that are common to both the Summary and Cost allocation Line Items. The following explains the details:

See Also

Unifier and Primavera Analytics

Analytics Node

Analytics Log Properties

Analytics Log (Cash Flow) Setup

Analytics Log (Cost Sheet) Setup

Analytics Log (Generic Cost Sheet) Setup

Analytics Log (P6 Summary Sheets)

Analytics Log (Shells)

Analytics Log (Space Manager)

Analytics Log (Vendors)

Scheduling Setup

Access Control Changes for Analytics Node in User Mode Access

Analytics Subject Areas and Unifier Data

Granting Permissions to Setup Analytics

Analytics and Dashboards

Accessing the Unifier Analytics Dashboard in OBI

Accessing Unifier from OBI server

Action Links (from OBI to Unifier)

Accessing Analytics from Unifier

Publishing Unifier Data to Analytics

Unifier Configurator and OBI Server for On-Premises

Analytics Block

Analytics Block and Shell Templates

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Last Published Monday, October 4, 2021