Publishing BI Publisher Custom Print

You must publish the BI Publisher Custom Prints in the BI Publisher Server.

To publish a BI Publisher Custom Print:

  1. Prepare the custom print.
  2. Click Status.

    The status of a BI Publisher Custom Print template is either set as Draft, or the status is set as Published. For either case, in order to print the BI Publisher Custom Print template, you must select Publish.

    You can delete a Custom Print template regardless of the Custom Print template status.

  3. Select Publish.

    After you publish, the system performs validation and if there are no errors the system publishes the Custom Print template and assigns the new Published Date in the log.


    • If you remove the data elements from the design of the data source that has been used in the BI Publisher Custom Print template, then you must republish the Custom Print template to the BI Publisher server.
    • If you add new data elements to the Upper Form, or Detail Form, of the BP Design, then to be able to see and used these new elements of a data schema in the template you must re-publish the Custom Print template and download a new copy of data schema.
    • You can update the Custom Print template layout by regenerating the sample data.
    • When the status of a Custom Print changes from "Draft" to "Published," Unifier generates the data model with respect to the current BP Design. As a result, if the BP design has changed between the time of first download of the Sample Data and the publishing of the Custom Print, then the developed report Template must be tested again with the new Data XML.

See Also

Configuring and Publishing BI Publisher Custom Templates (Custom Prints and Reports)

Custom Templates (Custom Prints and Reports) Overview

Assigning Roles and Permissions to BI Publisher User to Publish and Run Unifier Reports

Creating Data Model (.XDM) File

Custom Templates Windows Log

BI Publisher Report Levels

Sample XML Data for Custom Templates (Custom Prints and Reports)

Creating BI Publisher Custom Print

Creating Custom Email Template

Parameters for External Multiple Custom Print

Creating BI Publisher Custom Report

Download and Install BI Publisher Desktop for Microsoft Office

Building Report Template (RTF)

Publishing BI Publisher Custom Report

Making a New Custom Report or Custom Print Appear in Unifier Navigation

Setting Permissions for Custom Reports

Running a Report in Unifier

Uploading a Template for External Data Model Type Custom Report

Downloading Sample XML Data for Designing New Templates

Modifying Existing XDM for Custom Report or Custom Print Configuration

Adding a Dynamic Image in the Custom Print Template

Adding a Dynamic Image in the Custom Report Template

Adding a Dynamic Image in BI Publisher Report

Adding Rich Text Data Element in BI Publisher Report and Custom Print

Connect to Unifier Database

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Last Published Friday, April 9, 2021