Setting up OIM for Bidder Integration

Since OIM is an enterprise-level identity management system that centrally administers user accounts and access privileges, OIM must also authenticate bidders.

Similar to Unifier users in an OIM-integrated environment, bidders can no longer change their passwords using the Unifier application interface. Bidders can only change their passwords from the OIM server, if the administrator has provided the OIM URL.

Note: If an Administrator or a bidder changes the first name, last name, or email address of a bidder in OIM, the records will not be updated in Unifier.

During bid invitation, Unifier creates bidders in OIM regardless of the bidders status (new or existing).



  1. Prerequisites
  2. Reinstall and Reconfigure OIM Connector
  3. Disable Email Uniqueness Validation in OIM
  4. Import Configuration XML to create Scheduler Task
  5. Create Scheduler Job and specifying parameters


Ensure that you have:

Reinstall and Reconfigure OIM Connector

Note: If you are installing the connector for the first time, you do not need to reinstall and configure the OIM connector. To continue, go to the "Disable Email Uniqueness Validation in OIM" section below.

  1. Stop the OIM Server. (For example: WebLogic OIAMDmain - Oracle_IDM2)
  2. Copy to the local drive (on your PC or Server). The local drive is where you install and configure the OIM Connector
  3. Unzip the zip file to local driver and name the folder (For example: CONNECTOR_HOME)
  4. Copy CONNECTOR_HOME/JavaTasks/primavera-unifier-oim-connector.jar and paste to OIM_HOME/server/JavaTasks/
  5. Copy all the jars from CONNECTOR_HOME/ThirdParty/ and paste to OIM_HOME/server/ThirdParty/
  6. Start the OIM Server (For example: WebLogic OIAMDmain - Oracle_IDM2)
  7. Log in to Identity System Administration with admin user’s credentials
  8. Click Import.
  9. Select configuration_data.xml (CONNECTOR_HOME>/Resources/XML/configuration_data.xml) to import

When the Deployment Manger - Import window opens:

  1. Verify details displayed under File Preview and click Add File
  2. Verify details displayed under Substitution and click Cancel Substitution
  3. Verify details displayed under Primavera Unifier IT Resource and click Cancel IT Resource Modification
  4. Verify details displayed under Current Selections

    Note: You may need to expand Primavera Unifier Resource Object and Primavera Unifier Process selections.

  5. Right-click UD_PU_USERS and click Remove
  6. Ensure that you see the UD_PU_USERS file in the Objects Removed From Import section on the top right-hand corner of the Deployment Manger - Import window
  7. Click Import, wait until you see the confirmation message, and click OK
  8. Close the Deployment Manger - Import window

Disable Email Uniqueness Validation in OIM

By default, OIM prevents two users to have the same email address (email uniqueness). To change the default setting for email uniqueness, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Oracle Identity System Administration
  2. Depending on the OIM version that you are using, click System Configuration or Configuration Properties.
  3. In the Search System Properties field enter *email* (include the asterisks, or stars)
  4. Press Enter on your keyboard or click the right-arrow icon to begin search

If property keyword OIM.EmailUniqueCheck is not defined:

  1. Click Actions and select Create to open the Create System Property window.
  2. Provide the required system information to define a new property as follows:
  1. When finished, click Perform

If property keyword OIM.EmailUniqueCheck is defined:

  1. In the System Configuration pane (Search System Properties) click the keyword: OIM.EmailUniqueCheck
  2. Verify the information presented in the System Property Detail window to ensure that the Value is set to FALSE.
  3. Click Save to complete changing the default setting for email uniqueness

Update Email Notification Template to Support Internationalization (Optional)

  1. Log in to Oracle Identity System Administration.
  2. Depending on the OIM version that you are using, click System Configuration or Configuration Properties.
  3. Navigate to Notification.
  4. Select a notification template you want to modify.
  5. Click Actions >Open to open the template.
  6. Select a language tab and modify the template for that language.
  7. Click Save.

Import Configuration XML to create Scheduler Task

  1. Log in to Oracle Identity System Administration
  2. From the left-hand pane, click Import to open the Deployment Manager - Import window

At this point, the file selector window opens allowing you to select the XML file for import, by default.

Note: If the file selector window does not open, click Add File.

  1. Select the XML file to import (For example: CONNECTOR_HOME/Resources/XML/Primavera_Unifier_Reconciliation_Task.xml)
  2. Review the details of the file that you want to import
  3. Click Add File to add the file to the Current Selections window (For example: Primavera_Unifier_Reconciliation_Task.xml)
  4. Click Import and if prompted, confirm your selection
  5. When finished, click OK to complete the import process and close the Deployment Manager - Import window

Create Scheduler Job and specifying parameters

  1. Log in to Oracle Identity System Administration
  2. Click Scheduler
  3. In the Search Scheduled Jobs field enter * (asterisk or star) and click the right-arrow icon to see the existing Scheduled Jobs
  4. Click Actions and select Create to open the Create Job window
  5. Enter a name in the Job Name field (For example: Primavera_Unifier_Reconciliation_Job)
  6. Click the magnifying glass (in front of the Task field) to open the Search and Select: Scheduled Task window
  7. In the Search field enter * (asterisk or star) and click the right-arrow icon to search and retrieve a list of all tasks
  8. Click to select your desired task (For example: Primavera_Unifier_Reconciliation_Task) and click Confirm to open the Create Job window
  9. Review the contents of the Create Job window.

    Note: The Create Job window has an additional section: Parameters.

  10. Complete the fields under Job Information, Job Periodic Settings, and Parameters, as follows:
  1. Click Apply to complete creating a scheduler job

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