Get Column Data


This method gets data from a project or shells (with cost codes CBS) cost sheet column. The getColumnData does not support Assigned Budget column although it is a manual column.


This method can only support for project or shell level cost sheet column that is defined as Manual Entry Method (either Direct Entry or Line Item Content)

Installation: ASP and Self host


Yes or No

Company Level


Project and Shell Level


Program Level



public XMLObject getColumnData(String shortname, String authcode, string projectNumber, String ColumnName);





identifier of the company, company’s short name


authentication key for the company, in text string


Identifier of the project or shell in Unifier.


Identifier of the cost sheet column in Unifier. This is case sensitive, and should be the name of Column that is defined in Unifier.

Return Value

See Return Values. Response will contain following data elements.

Tag Name



CBS Code is a required field.


Short Description


Long Description


Work Package Name


Spends Category Label




Unit of Measure


Unit Cost Label



Sample Method

getColumnData("acme", "acme_authcode", "project_info","my column name")

Additional Information

Following are the failure reasons and description



Column is not valid

Invalid Column Name

Column is not manual

Column is not defined as manual entry

If the cost sheet column entry method is "Line Item Content" then this web service call will only return lines for CBS Code which has valid lines. For example, if there are 2 CBS Codes on cost sheet and one has line item content and other does not then only CBS Code with line item content will be returned.

If the cost sheet column entry method is "Direct Entry" then this web service call will return a line for a CBS Code even if there is no data manually entered against that CBS Code in project or shell cost sheet. For example, if there are 2 CBS Codes on cost sheet and one has a value entered directly on cost sheet and other does not have any value, even then this service call will return 2 lines, one for each CBS Code. Following are the elements that will be returned as part of each CBS Code.

Observe that short_description element will automatically get a value "Direct Entry Line Item". This is to indicate that the value was entered directly on cost sheet.

This service can be used on Project (Standard) and Shells of cost code type CBS.

Related Topics

Cost Sheet Methods

Update Column Data

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