Get UDR Data


This method gets XML data from UDR output.


This process is supported under both Company and Project or Shell level reports. Only reports that are marked for Integration are eligible for integration.

Installation: ASP and Self host


Yes or No

Company Level


Project and Shell Level



public XMLObject getUDRData(String shortname, String authcode, string projectNumber, String reportName);





identifier of the company, company’s short name


authentication key for the company, in text string


identifier of the project or shell in Unifier. If you want to get company level report then pass null for this parameter.


name of the report user defined report

Return Value

Response will contain following data elements

Tag Name



Main report tag


Element that carries all report header column names.


Element that carries data of all rows.

This element will also show following information

Group By: If report has group by condition then the data value will show under this element

Subtotal: If report is configured to show sub-total then the data value will show under this element

Count: If report is configured to show count then the data value will show under this element.

Sample Method

getUDRData ("acme", "acme_authcode", "project_info", "Funding Report")

The XML output of an UDR will be based on report design.

Additional Information

A user-defined report (UDR) always runs upon receiving the message. This ensures that the latest data is returned.

Web Services call does not need any additional permission to run a UDR that is marked for Integration

If UDR has query parameters defined then the Web Services method will honor that as long as the query parameters are pre-populated during report design

Following are the failure reasons and description



Report name is not valid. Check if report exists or is enabled for Integration

Invalid Report Name (If report does not exist or is not marked for Integration)

Unable to run report. Contact System Administrator

While running report if there is a system error or for any reason Unifier cannot run this report

This service can be used for both Project (Standard) and Shells of cost code type CBS and Generic.

In case of the getUDR web-service call:

Related Topics

User Defined Reports (UDR) Methods

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