Update Schedule Sheet Activities V2 from Oracle® Primavera™ P6 XML


This method will insert/update activities into any project or shell schedule sheet. It will not overwrite existing activities in the schedule sheet based on the data mapping parameter.


This method can only support updation of activities in project or shell level schedule sheets.

Installation: ASP and Self host


Yes or No

Company Level


Project or Shell Level



public XMLObject updateScheduleActivitiesV2(String shortname, String authcode, String projectNumber, String sheetName, String sheetXML, String scheduleOptions);





Identifier of the company, company’s short name


Authentication code for the company, in text string


Identifier of project or shell in Unifier.


Name of Schedule Sheet to import activities into.


Content of activities to import. This is obtained from the Primavera P5/P6 xml content. The Primavera XML content should be generated by exporting the full Primavera project.


This element will allow message to carry optional information. Following are the tags under this element







Name of the data mapping that should be used while processing XML file


Possible values are GUID, ID. ID is the tag of Activity Id in Primavera.


This parameter will take a numeric value. This parameter can be used by user to specify how many levels (CBS Levels) in P6 XML file should be merged together.

  • EXAMPLE: Assume that P6 has following structure (5.ON.DA.DA03.F350.U11.095.ABC20.CAct04)

If you specify 3 then two levels will be merged together. But which 3 segments will be based on the next parameter (CBS_startmergefrom)


  • This parameter will take a numeric value. Value of this parameter will be used to determine the level from which this merge should start.
  • EXAMPLE: In the above example, if a user specifies 2, then system will start from level 2 and merge ON, DA and DA03. So after the merge the CBS Code build by import program will be 5.ONDADA03.F350.U11.095.ABC20.CAct04


  • Indicate to delete activities from schedule sheet in Primavera Unifier if it is deleted in P6.

Return Value

See Return Values.

Sample Method

updateScheduleActivitiesV2("acme","acme_authcode","Proj-0001","Schedule Sheet 001", "<XML Content>","Data Mapping 001","Id");

Additional Information

You must perform appropriate data mapping setups on the target schedule sheet. This includes mapping Unifier Schedule Sheet columns to Primavera XML elements, and setting appropriate XML Import options.

This method will insert/update activities into any project or shell schedule sheet. The method will utilize the data mapping setup to update only those elements that are mapped.

The method errors out if the data mapping option does not allow merge.

Activities are uniquely identified within Primavera by the Globally Unique Id (<GUID>) or the identified provided as part of XML file. GUID will be used if ActivityIdentifier is empty or blank.

Resource assignments will be imported (inserted/updated) if the ‘Import Resource Assignments’ checkbox is selected. Resource assignments will be matched by Resource Name.

This service can be used for both Project (Standard) and Shells of cost code type CBS.

Delete Checkbox

Activity Deletion



Auto or Confirm

Activity Deletion tag is ignored.

Activities that are removed under source schedule will not be removed from Unifier Schedule Sheet



Activity Deletion tag is considered

Activities that are removed under source schedule will be deleted automatically under Unifier Schedule Sheet.



Activity Deletion tag is considered

Activities that are removed under source schedule will not be deleted.

System will return an error and will not update Primavera Unifier schedule sheet.

If no activities are removed under source schedule then system will update Unifier Schedule Sheet.

ActivityDeletion tags are only considered for updateScheduleSheetFromFileV2 service and not for create.

Related Topics

Schedule Manager Methods

Create Schedule Sheet Activities from Primavera P5 and P6 XML

Create Schedule Sheet Activities V2 from Oracle® Primavera P6™ XML

Create Schedule Activities from file V2

Update Schedule Sheet Activities from Oracle® Primavera™ P5 and P6 XML

Update Schedule Activities From File V2

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Get a List of Schedule Sheet Data Mappings

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Last Published Tuesday, February 8, 2022