Create Shell


This method will allow users to create shell instances under a shell type. User can create more than one shell at a time.


This method only supports creation of shells under a company and is not associated with any project.

Installation: ASP and Self host


Yes or No

Company Level


Project and Shell Level


Program Level



public XMLObject createShell(String shortname, String authcode, String copyFromShellTemplate, String shellXML);





Identifier of the company, company’s short name


Authentication code for the company, in text string


This will be number of another shell instance or shell template. Based on shell template, shell type will be determined to create new shell


This will be based on Shell integration interface definition. Without this definition defined user will not be allowed to create a shell instance

shellXML Elements

Tag Name



Valid values



Base tag for new shell data. This tag can be repeated to create more than one shell instance




Base tag for options.

This tag is optional. If this tag is not provided then Primavera Unifier will create shell by copying user / groups from template or shell provided under copyFromShellTemplate.



Option to either copy modules or not.

This tag can only go as a child element under <_moduleOptions> tag. This tag is identify either to create a new shell by copying all modules including user / group or just creates a new shell by copying user / group from template provided under copyFromShellTemplate. Only valid values are Yes / No. Yes means copy all modules including user / groups. No means copy only user / groups. If tag is not provided or value is empty then default behavior will be to No.



Option to specify the currency code for the shell

A new child element of <defaultCurrency> will be available within the <_moduleoptions> tag.

Valid values for the <defaultCurrency> tag are the code for the currency rather than the names. For example, USD is valid, United States Dollars is not.

If the code is not a valid code then the web service will fail.

If the tag is present and the value is empty then template currency will be selected.

The Document Manager attribute that is used to define the Document Management Structure (DMS) originates from the shell template that was used to create the shell using "copyFromShellTemplate" parameter. If the shell template does not contain any references to the DM attribute form, the shell that was created by using such template will have the system-defined attribute form in order to define the DMS.

Return Value

See Return Values.

Note: The message will contain new Shell Number and Shell Name that is created within Unifier.

Sample Method

createShell("acme", "acme_authcode", "Proj-0001","<XML Content>");

Note: If you do not provide values for elements that are not required then the values from template will be used to create new shell.

Additional Information

User will be allowed to create shells of type CBS and Generic. For more information out types of shells refer to uDesigner Guide.

User will be able to pass in a value for Location Picker element while creating shell instance.

All other validation while creating shell instance manually will be honored through Integration viz.., required fields, duplicate shell id etc..,

Users will be allowed to create multiple shells using this service call. If creation of one shell fails then entire transaction will be rolled back.

All shells created will be based on same template

Shell currency will be based on the template.

Related Topics

Shell Methods

Update Shell

Get Shell List

Get Project/Shell List

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