Update User Shell Membership


This public method adds users to shell membership, updates user status in shell membership and adds/removes users to/from groups at shell level.


Installation: ASP and Self host


Yes or No

Company Level


Project and Shell Level



public XMLObject updateUserShellMembership(String shortname, String authcode, String projectNumber, String membershipXML);





Identifier of the company, company’s short name


Authentication key for the company, in text string


Identifier of project or shell in Unifier


Information of the user(s) that must be added and/or removed from shell groups including activation / inactivation of user under a project or shell

Return Value

See Return Values.

Sample Method

updateUserShellMembership("acme", "acme_authcode", "Proj-0001", "<user information>")

Additional Information

The project/shell number is mandatory

'_ shelluser' will be the base tag which can be repeated with the data in order to update multiple company/shell users and their group membership.

The unique identifier will be the user name and based on the matching user name, the passed on fields should be updated.

‘group_add’, ‘group_remove’ and ‘status’ are optional tags.

Status can be either ‘Active’, ‘Inactive’ or empty.

Empty status or no status should be interpreted as ‘Active’ status.

Pre-requisite for this web service to successfully add users to the shell membership:

Add the company user to the shell membership only if the user exists in company users log at the company level and is with active or on-hold status.

Add the partner user to the shell membership if the user exists in partner user log at the company level and is with active or on-hold status. If the partner user doesn’t exists at the company level than the web service will user to both company level partner user log and to the shell membership after checking for license restrictions

Related Topics

User Administration Methods

Create User

Update User

Get User List

Update User Group Membership

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Last Published Tuesday, February 8, 2022