Update CBS Codes


This method updates CBS code under Project or Shell (cost code type as CBS) cost sheet. The updateWBS allows existing CBS attributes to be changed. All user-defined and system-attributes are available to be modified. The CBS Code cannot be edited.


This service is available for Project/Shell.


Public XMLObject updateWBS(String shortname,String authcode, string projectNumber, String WBSXML );





identifier of the company, company’s short name


authentication key for the company, in text string


identifier of the project or a shell in Unifier


identifier used for CBS update XML format

Return Value

See Return Values

Additional Information

You can update CBS Code with a Tree Structure.


Users will be able to update CBS codes with tree structure.

Use getWBSStructure service to get the CBS attribute structure. The retrieved structure can be used to update CBS codes; however, the retrieved structure XML is needed to be wrapped as follows:


<List_Wrapper> <!-- List Wrapper Added -->












</List_Wrapper> <!-- List Wrapper Closed-->


User can define a Cost Attribute form in uDesigner. In order to send XML message to update Cost codes user has to send data using schema that is generated as output from getWBSStrucutre service.

If the Project or Shell CBS structure is in tree mode, or a parent / child relationship is required, the CBS code passed via the integration interface must concatenate the parent CBS code and child CBS code with "~~" as the delimiter.

If you have multilevel parent child relationship then you have to pass in "~~" as delimiter at all levels to separate parent and child.

This service will only work for Shells with Cost Code: CBS and standard projects.

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Last Published Tuesday, February 8, 2022