Get Partner Company

Method: GET

Objective: Provide the ability to get partner company information.


  1. This will be the GET request.
  2. The service URL to be used will be http://<environment url>ws/rest/service/v1/admin/company?shortname=<urlencoded_shortname>.
  3. If the shortname parameter is not specified, then the URL will retrieve the entire list of partner companies.


If the service runs successfully, the output will be Status, Message, and Data.

Sample output JSON when shortname parameter is passed















"addresstype": 1,


"addressline1":"5815 Owens Drive",


























"companyname":"Partner Company - 01",














Sample Output for all partner companies





"companyname":"Partner Company - 01",





"companyname":"Partner Company - 02",










Related Topics

Partner Company Services V1

Create Partner Company

Update Partner Company

Update Partner Company Shortname

Add (Update) Partner Company Shell Membership

Remove (Update) Partner Company Shell Membership

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Last Published Tuesday, February 8, 2022