Add Node Permissions by Node Path and Project Number

POST /ws/rest/service/v1 /dm/permission/{projectNumber}/node/{node_path}


This service provides the ability to add/update permissions of a node.


Path parameters:

projectnumber: (Optional) project number(if not given, default is company workspace)

node_path : full node_path of the required node.

POST body is a JSON

Request body:


"Inheritance": false,

"ApplyToAllSubFolders": false,

"UserPermission": [


"Type": "PG",

"GroupName": "Asset Managers",

"FullName": "Asset Managers",

"DocumentPermission": {

"View": 1,

"Move": 1,

"Copy": 1,

"Delete": 1,

"Download": 1,

"ModifyProperties": 1,

"ModifyPermissions": 1,

"AddComments": 1,

"Revise": 1


"FolderPermission": {

"View": 1,

"Move": 1,

"Copy": 1,

"Delete": 1,

"ModifyProperties": 1,

"ModifyPermissions": 1,

"CreateSubFolders": 1,

"AddDocuments": 1






JSON object containing 'status', 'data', 'message'


To add permission of a node test3 under node path "/test2" of project b1 give input as follows:

URL: http://<host>:<port>/ws/rest/service/v1/dm/permission/b1/node/test2/test3

Request body:


"Inheritance": false,

"ApplyToAllSubFolders": false,

"UserPermission": [


"Type": "PG",

"GroupName": "Asset Managers",

"FullName": "Asset Managers",

"DocumentPermission": {

"View": 1,

"Move": 1,

"Copy": 1,

"Delete": 1,

"Download": 1,

"ModifyProperties": 1,

"ModifyPermissions": 1,

"AddComments": 1,

"Revise": 1


"FolderPermission": {

"View": 1,

"Move": 1,

"Copy": 1,

"Delete": 1,

"ModifyProperties": 1,

"ModifyPermissions": 1,

"CreateSubFolders": 1,

"AddDocuments": 1





Response in case of success:



[ "given permissions are added successfully"




Response in case of error:



[ "Invalid user name or user does not have permission to the current project"




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Last Published Tuesday, February 8, 2022