Update Documents Meta Data by Path

POST /ws/rest/service/v1/dm/document/update


Provide the ability to modify the metadata for documents under a folder using the folder path value.


Form Data (content Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded)

Path is a required field. Other fields are optional.


URL: http://<host>:<port>/ws/rest/service/v1/dm/document/update

To update a document "dm1.PNG" under "/test" folder the data should must be:

data:[{"Path":"/test/dm1.PNG","Name":"dm1.PNG","Owner":"Company Administrator","Creation Date":"01/01/2016","% Complete":"100","Description":"dm1.PNG df" }]

Use the GET call to get the structure of the JSON data.


JSON object containing 'status', 'data', 'message'

Note: The read-only fields will not be updated with values from input.

Response in case of success:






"Creation Date":"01/01/2016",

"Owner":"Company Administrator",

"Description":"dm1.PNG df",

"% Complete":"100",












Response in case of error:






"Creation Date":"01/01/2016",

"Owner":"Company Administrator",

"Description":"dm1.PNG df",

"% Complete":"100",







"message":"Invalid folder name."





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Last Published Tuesday, February 8, 2022