Create BP Record with Attachment

POST /ws/rest/service/v1/bp/record/file/{project_number}


Create a record in a specific BP in a shell based on shell number or from Company level if project/shell number is not provided.

The input JSON shall provide various options to be considered for fetching the data


All parameters should be URL encoded.

Path Parameter

project_number: Specify the Project number in which the records exists, if not provided then records are considered to be from Company Level.

POST body is a JSON

Note: POST call has input & output both as JSON in the body.


"options": {

"bpname": "Vendors",



"workflow_name": "workflow_name",

"user_name" : "first_name last_name",

"action_name" : "action_name"



"data": [


"uuu_user_id": "",

"uuu_record_last_update_date": "04-12-2018",

"uveFaxTB16": null,

"uveCertificateNoTB64": null,

"uvePrimaryContactTB64": "a",

"title": "v-00101",

"uveLicenseNoTB16": null,

"uuu_contact_company": "v-00101",

"uveCOIAmoutCA": 0,

"_bp_lineitems": [


"uirCntctFstNmTB": "a",

"uuu_user_workphone": null,

"uuu_tab_id": "List of Contacts",

"title": "t",

"ugenAddress1TXT120": null,

"ugenAddress2TXT120": null,

"ugenCountryPD": null,

"ugenCityTXT50": null,

"short_desc": "Vendor Contact",

"uriCntctLstNmTB": "b",

"ugenStatePD": null,

"ugenZipCodeTXT16": null,

"uveEmailTB120": "",

"ugenAddress3TXT120": null,



"file_name":"new 1.txt",








"uvePolicyNoTB32": null,

"uveVendorTypePD": "Architect",

"ugenCityTXT50": null,

"uveCoiExpDOP": null,

"uuu_dm_publish_path": "v_path",

"uuu_contact_last_name": "b",

"ugenZipCodeTXT16": null,

"uveEmailTB120": "",

"ugenAddress3TXT120": null,

"uveReferenceIdTB16": null,

"uuu_creation_date": "04-12-2018",

"ugenRemarksTB4000": null,

"uvePhoneTB64": null,

"uveTaxIDTB16": null,

"uveMinorityBusCB": 0,

"uveInsuranceCoTB32": null,

"ugenExpirationDateDOP": null,

"uveWomanOwnedCB": 0,

"uveVendorNameTB50": "v-00101",

"ugenAddress1TXT120": null,

"uveDisadvantagedBusCB": 0,

"ugenDiscipline": null,

"creator_id": "Company Administrator",

"ugenAddress2TXT120": null,

"ugenCountryPD": null,

"uveVendorIDTB16": "v-00101",

"ugenStatePD": null,

"uuu_contact_first_name": "a",

"status": "Active",



"file_name":"new 1.txt",















"_attachment": {

"zipped_file_name" : "",

"zipped_file_size": "746089",

"zipped_file_content" :"< base64_encoded string of file>"



If "adding attachment" is disabled in Upper form or Detail form, and user is trying to attach file to corresponding form. Creating record will fail.

If "record_no" is not provided, then the auto-generated record_no will be assigned to the record

If a unique "record_no" is provided, then the record will be created be given record_no.


JSON object containing 'status', 'data', 'message'

A message will be present if status is not 200.

Status codes are:

1> 200 OK , if all creation succeeds .

2> 3000 , If any of records creation fail.

Note: Only one record input should be provided in Create BP record with attachment.

Create BP Sample Response


"data": [],

"message": [


"uuu_user_id": "",

"uuu_record_last_update_date": "04-12-2018",

"uveFaxTB16": null,

"uveCertificateNoTB64": null,

"uvePrimaryContactTB64": "a",

"title": "v-00101",

"uveLicenseNoTB16": null,

"uuu_contact_company": "v-00101",

"_record_status": "success",

"uveCOIAmoutCA": 0,

"_bp_lineitems": [


"uirCntctFstNmTB": "a",

"uuu_user_workphone": null,

"uuu_tab_id": "List of Contacts",

"title": "t",

"ugenAddress1TXT120": null,

"_attachment": [


"issue_date": "05/06/2018",

"revision_no": "100",

"file_name": "new 1.txt",

"title": "file_title"



"ugenAddress2TXT120": null,

"ugenCountryPD": null,

"ugenCityTXT50": null,

"short_desc": "Vendor Contact",

"uriCntctLstNmTB": "b",

"ugenStatePD": null,

"ugenZipCodeTXT16": null,

"uveEmailTB120": "",

"ugenAddress3TXT120": null



"uvePolicyNoTB32": null,

"_attachment": [


"issue_date": "05/06/2018",

"revision_no": "300",

"file_name": "new 1.txt",

"title": "file_title1"



"issue_date": "05/06/2018",

"revision_no": "200",

"file_name": "exp1.txt",

"title": "file_title2"



"record_no": "VEN-0086",

"uveVendorTypePD": "Architect",

"ugenCityTXT50": null,

"uveCoiExpDOP": null,

"uuu_dm_publish_path": "v_path",

"uuu_contact_last_name": "b",

"ugenZipCodeTXT16": null,

"uveEmailTB120": "",

"ugenAddress3TXT120": null,

"uveReferenceIdTB16": null,

"uuu_creation_date": "04-12-2018",

"ugenRemarksTB4000": null,

"uvePhoneTB64": null,

"uveTaxIDTB16": null,

"uveMinorityBusCB": 0,

"uveInsuranceCoTB32": null,

"ugenExpirationDateDOP": null,

"uveWomanOwnedCB": 0,

"uveVendorNameTB50": "v-00101",

"ugenAddress1TXT120": null,

"uveDisadvantagedBusCB": 0,

"ugenDiscipline": null,

"creator_id": "Company Administrator",

"ugenAddress2TXT120": null,

"ugenCountryPD": null,

"uveVendorIDTB16": "v-00101",

"ugenStatePD": null,

"uuu_contact_first_name": "a",

"status": "Active"



"status": 200


in case of any error :


"data": [],

"message": [


"_record_status": "Error Business Process record_no hello already exists. ",

"record": {

"uuu_user_id": "",

"uuu_record_last_update_date": "04-12-2018",

"uveFaxTB16": null,

"uveCertificateNoTB64": null,

"uvePrimaryContactTB64": "a",

"title": "v-00101",

"uveLicenseNoTB16": null,

"uuu_contact_company": "v-00101",

"uveCOIAmoutCA": 0,"uveTaxIDTB16": null,

"_bp_lineitems": [


"uirCntctFstNmTB": "a",

"uuu_user_workphone": null,

"uuu_tab_id": "List of Contacts",

"title": "t",

"ugenAddress1TXT120": null,

"ugenAddress2TXT120": null,

"ugenCountryPD": null,

"ugenCityTXT50": null,

"short_desc": "Vendor Contact",

"uriCntctLstNmTB": "b",

"ugenStatePD": null,

"ugenZipCodeTXT16": null,

"uveEmailTB120": "",

"ugenAddress3TXT120": null



"uvePolicyNoTB32": null,

"record_no": "hello",

"_attachment": [


"file_name": "new 1.txt"



"uveVendorTypePD": "Architect",

"ugenCityTXT50": null,

"uveCoiExpDOP": null,

"uuu_dm_publish_path": "v_path",

"uuu_contact_last_name": "b",

"ugenZipCodeTXT16": null,

"uveEmailTB120": "",

"ugenAddress3TXT120": null,

"uveReferenceIdTB16": null,

"uuu_creation_date": "04-12-2018",

"ugenRemarksTB4000": null,

"uvePhoneTB64": null,

"uveTaxIDTB16": null,

"uveMinorityBusCB": 0,

"uveInsuranceCoTB32": null,

"ugenExpirationDateDOP": null,

"uveWomanOwnedCB": 0,

"uveVendorNameTB50": "v-00101",

"ugenAddress1TXT120": null,

"uveDisadvantagedBusCB": 0,

"ugenDiscipline": null,

"creator_id": "Company Administrator",

"ugenAddress2TXT120": null,

"ugenCountryPD": null,

"uveVendorIDTB16": "v-00101",

"ugenStatePD": null,

"uuu_contact_first_name": "a",

"status": "Active"




"status": 3000


or if zip_file_size of uploaded zip file is not correct :


"data": [],

"message": [

"Uploaded Zip file is invalid"


"status": 3003


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Last Published Tuesday, February 8, 2022