Get BP Records Permission

POST /ws/rest/service/v1/bp/record/permission/list/{project_number}


Get non-workflow records permission (in user mode) of a specific BP in a shell based on shell number or from Company level if project/shell number is not provided.

The input JSON shall provide various options to be considered for fetching the data.


All parameters should be URL encoded.

Path Parameter

project_number: Specify the Project number in which the records exists, if not provided then records are considered to be fetched from Company Level.

POST body is a JSON

Note: POST call has input & output both as JSON in the body.

For one or more records


"bpname" : "Vendors",

"record_no" : ["VEN-0023","VEN-0024"],

"filter_condition" : "status=Active"


For only one record


"bpname" : "Vendors",

"record_no" : "VEN-0023",

"filter_condition" : "status=Inactive"


"bpname" is mandatory input parameter.

In the request body record_no can be provided in below two formats:

1. "record_no": ["VEN-0023","VEN-0024"] For one or more records.

2. "record_no": "VEN-0023" For only one record.

"record_no" is optional. If no value is specified then all the BP record permission will be returned.

"filter_condition" is optional parameter and filter is supported only on "status" field. It will be "AND" condition between "record_no" & "filter_condition".


JSON object containing 'status', 'data', 'message'

Message will be present if status is not 200 otherwise it will be "success".

In This Section

Get BP Permission Sample Response

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Last Published Tuesday, February 8, 2022