Update Fund Status

PUT /ws/rest/service/v1/fund/status/{project_number}


API will allow user to change the fund status in the project/shell funding sheet.


All parameters should be URL encoded.

Path Parameter

project_number(Optional): Specify the project/shell number of the funding sheet. If not specified,will update company fund codes.

POST body (JSON)

The data object will have fund ids and the status to be updated to. It will take the id as the key and the status as value.

Sample input request


"data": [







JSON object containing 'status', 'data', 'message'

Update Status


"data": [


"code": "1003",

"status": "Inactive"



"message": [


"code": "1001",

"message": "Fund Code do not exist.",

"status": "1203"



"code": "1002",

"message": "Status field value is not correct.",

"status": "663"



"code": "1003",

"message": "success",

"status": "200"



"status": 3000


Partial update is allowed.

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