Create Cashflow

POST /ws/rest/service/v1/cashflow/{project_number}


Create Cashflow from a template or by specifying the property values.

If the template name is provided, cashflow properties are created from a template in combination with input parameters specified in the request.

If template_projectid is not provided, the company template will be fetched.

Integration user used will have full access to the cashflow created. To change the permissions, Update or Modify Cashflow Permission service need to be run.

In addition to integration user, project administrator/company administrator will have full access to the cashflow created from service.

Period name is not accepted from the input JSON. If provided, will be ignored.

Irrelevant attributes specified in the request for create/update are ignored.


All parameters should be URL encoded.

Path Parameter

project_number: Required

When creating cashflow from template specify the below values in the data JSON


template_project: optional. Project number of the template.

Post data JSON will be details of cashflow

For the input attributes provided, the data will be used from the input request -


If name, template, and schedule details are specified in the input request, then the cashflow will be created with template details but the schedule will be as per the input request.

Defaults will be used if data is not provided in the input request.

JSON object containing 'status', 'data', 'message'

A message will be present if the status is not 200 otherwise it will be "success".

In This Section

Create Cashflow From Template Only

Create Cashflow Manual - Project or Shell

Create Cashflow Manual - CBS

Create Cashflow Manual - Summary CBS

Create Cashflow Manual - Commitment

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Last Published Tuesday, February 8, 2022