Get Cashflow Data

GET /ws/rest/service/v1/cashflow/data/{project_number}


Get Cashflow curve data.


All parameters should be URL encoded.

Path Parameter

project_number(Optional): Specify the project/shell number. If no value is specified then company level cash flow data will be retrieved.

Url Parameter

filter (Required): Filter condition to be used when retrieving the data. It is a JSON object with the below information:

"name"(Required): Specify the cashflow name to get the data

"curves"(Optional): Specify the curve name for which the data is to be retrieved. Invalid curve name will be ignored. If no value is specified then all the curves data will be sent in the response.

Sample filter parameter

filter={ "name":"cashflow 1", "curves":[ "Baseline", "Forecast" ] }


JSON object containing 'status', 'data', 'message'

Status codes are:

1> 200 OK if success

For Partial failure, the relevant message will be displayed.

Sample output request




"name":"cashflow 1",






"errormessage":"Curve timescale is yearly"






"errormessage":"Curve timescale is yearly"







"Currency":"Indian Rupee (INR)",


"From Date":"01/01/17",

"To Date":"12/30/17",



"2 2016":"800.56"





"Profile":"Front Load",


"From Date":"02/29/16",

"To Date":"12/30/16",


"2 2016":"1742.56"





"Profile":"S Curve",


"From Date":"01/01/17",

"To Date":"12/30/17",


"2 2016":"800.56"








"currency":"Indian Rupee (INR)",


"From Date":"02/02/19",

"To Date":"04/12/19",



"2 2016":"689.53"





"Profile":"S Curve",


"From Date":"02/02/19",

"To Date":"04/12/19",


"2 2016":"689.53"





"Profile":"S Curve",


"From Date":"05/05/19",

"To Date":"12/30/19",


"2 2016":"3321.56"







"Currency":"Canada Dollar (CAD)",

"Type":"Portfolio Budget",

"From Date":"",

"To Date":"",



"1 2017":"100.00",

"2 2017":"",










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Last Published Tuesday, February 8, 2022