Create BP Record with Attachment

POST /ws/rest/service/v2/bp/record/file


Create a record in a specific BP in a shell based on project_number (provided in input JSON options) or from Company level if project/shell number is not provided.

The input JSON shall provide various options to be considered for fetching the data.

This V2 service will use the step form (creation form) to create a BP record. All of the required fields and Validation rules will be run against the creation form used in the workflow details.

Note: Only one record with attachments is supported in this call.


All parameters should be URL encoded.

Both input & output in JSON format in the body.

Create BP Record with Attachment


"options": {

"project_number" : "P-0002",

"bpname": "Vendors",



"workflow_name": "workflow_name",

"user_name" : "first_name last_name",

"action_name" : "action_name"



"data": [


"uuu_user_id": "",

"uuu_record_last_update_date": "04-12-2018",

"uveFaxTB16": null,

"uveCertificateNoTB64": null,

"uvePrimaryContactTB64": "a",

"title": "v-00101",

"uveLicenseNoTB16": null,

"uuu_contact_company": "v-00101",

"uveCOIAmoutCA": 0,

"_bp_lineitems": [


"uirCntctFstNmTB": "a",

"uuu_user_workphone": null,

"uuu_tab_id": "List of Contacts",

"title": "t",

"ugenAddress1TXT120": null,

"ugenAddress2TXT120": null,

"ugenCountryPD": null,

"ugenCityTXT50": null,

"short_desc": "Vendor Contact",

"uriCntctLstNmTB": "b",

"ugenStatePD": null,

"ugenZipCodeTXT16": null,

"uveEmailTB120": "",

"ugenAddress3TXT120": null,



"file_name":"new 1.txt",








"uvePolicyNoTB32": null,

"uveVendorTypePD": "Architect",

"ugenCityTXT50": null,

"uveCoiExpDOP": null,

"uuu_dm_publish_path": "v_path",

"uuu_contact_last_name": "b",

"ugenZipCodeTXT16": null,

"uveEmailTB120": "",

"ugenAddress3TXT120": null,

"uveReferenceIdTB16": null,

"uuu_creation_date": "04-12-2018",

"ugenRemarksTB4000": null,

"uvePhoneTB64": null,

"uveTaxIDTB16": null,

"uveMinorityBusCB": 0,

"uveInsuranceCoTB32": null,

"ugenExpirationDateDOP": null,

"uveWomanOwnedCB": 0,

"uveVendorNameTB50": "v-00101",

"ugenAddress1TXT120": null,

"uveDisadvantagedBusCB": 0,

"ugenDiscipline": null,

"creator_id": "Company Administrator",

"ugenAddress2TXT120": null,

"ugenCountryPD": null,

"uveVendorIDTB16": "v-00101",

"ugenStatePD": null,

"uuu_contact_first_name": "a",

"status": "Active",



"file_name":"new 1.txt",















"_attachment": {

"zipped_file_name" : "",

"zipped_file_size": "746089",

"zipped_file_content" :"<base64_encoded string of file>"





JSON object containing 'status', 'data', 'message'

A message will be present if status is not 200 .

Status codes are:

1>200 OK, if all creation succeeds.

2>3000, if any of records creation fails.

Sample: Create Record with Attachment Response


"data": [],

"message": [


"uuu_user_id": "",

"uuu_record_last_update_date": "04-12-2018",

"uveFaxTB16": null,

"uveCertificateNoTB64": null,

"uvePrimaryContactTB64": "a",

"title": "v-00101",

"uveLicenseNoTB16": null,

"uuu_contact_company": "v-00101",

"_record_status": "success",

"uveCOIAmoutCA": 0,

"_bp_lineitems": [


"uirCntctFstNmTB": "a",

"uuu_user_workphone": null,

"uuu_tab_id": "List of Contacts",

"title": "t",

"ugenAddress1TXT120": null,

"_attachment": [


"issue_date": "05/06/2018",

"revision_no": "100",

"file_name": "new 1.txt",

"title": "file_title"



"ugenAddress2TXT120": null,

"ugenCountryPD": null,

"ugenCityTXT50": null,

"short_desc": "Vendor Contact",

"uriCntctLstNmTB": "b",

"ugenStatePD": null,

"ugenZipCodeTXT16": null,

"uveEmailTB120": "",

"ugenAddress3TXT120": null



"uvePolicyNoTB32": null,

"_attachment": [


"issue_date": "05/06/2018",

"revision_no": "300",

"file_name": "new 1.txt",

"title": "file_title1"



"issue_date": "05/06/2018",

"revision_no": "200",

"file_name": "exp1.txt",

"title": "file_title2"



"record_no": "VEN-0086",

"uveVendorTypePD": "Architect",

"ugenCityTXT50": null,

"uveCoiExpDOP": null,

"uuu_dm_publish_path": "v_path",

"uuu_contact_last_name": "b",

"ugenZipCodeTXT16": null,

"uveEmailTB120": "",

"ugenAddress3TXT120": null,

"uveReferenceIdTB16": null,

"uuu_creation_date": "04-12-2018",

"ugenRemarksTB4000": null,

"uvePhoneTB64": null,

"uveTaxIDTB16": null,

"uveMinorityBusCB": 0,

"uveInsuranceCoTB32": null,

"ugenExpirationDateDOP": null,

"uveWomanOwnedCB": 0,

"uveVendorNameTB50": "v-00101",

"ugenAddress1TXT120": null,

"uveDisadvantagedBusCB": 0,

"ugenDiscipline": null,

"creator_id": "Company Administrator",

"ugenAddress2TXT120": null,

"ugenCountryPD": null,

"uveVendorIDTB16": "v-00101",

"ugenStatePD": null,

"uuu_contact_first_name": "a",

"status": "Active"



"status": 200


In case of any errors:


"data": [],

"message": [


"_record_status": "Error Business Process record_no hello already exists. ",

"record": {

"uuu_user_id": "",

"uuu_record_last_update_date": "04-12-2018",

"uveFaxTB16": null,

"uveCertificateNoTB64": null,

"uvePrimaryContactTB64": "a",

"title": "v-00101",

"uveLicenseNoTB16": null,

"uuu_contact_company": "v-00101",

"uveCOIAmoutCA": 0,

"_bp_lineitems": [


"uirCntctFstNmTB": "a",

"uuu_user_workphone": null,

"uuu_tab_id": "List of Contacts",

"title": "t",

"ugenAddress1TXT120": null,

"ugenAddress2TXT120": null,

"ugenCountryPD": null,

"ugenCityTXT50": null,

"short_desc": "Vendor Contact",

"uriCntctLstNmTB": "b",

"ugenStatePD": null,

"ugenZipCodeTXT16": null,

"uveEmailTB120": "",

"ugenAddress3TXT120": null



"uvePolicyNoTB32": null,

"record_no": "hello",

"_attachment": [


"file_name": "new 1.txt"



"uveVendorTypePD": "Architect",

"ugenCityTXT50": null,

"uveCoiExpDOP": null,

"uuu_dm_publish_path": "v_path",

"uuu_contact_last_name": "b",

"ugenZipCodeTXT16": null,

"uveEmailTB120": "",

"ugenAddress3TXT120": null,

"uveReferenceIdTB16": null,

"uuu_creation_date": "04-12-2018",

"ugenRemarksTB4000": null,

"uvePhoneTB64": null,

"uveTaxIDTB16": null,

"uveMinorityBusCB": 0,

"uveInsuranceCoTB32": null,

"ugenExpirationDateDOP": null,

"uveWomanOwnedCB": 0,

"uveVendorNameTB50": "v-00101",

"ugenAddress1TXT120": null,

"uveDisadvantagedBusCB": 0,

"ugenDiscipline": null,

"creator_id": "Company Administrator",

"ugenAddress2TXT120": null,

"ugenCountryPD": null,

"uveVendorIDTB16": "v-00101",

"ugenStatePD": null,

"uuu_contact_first_name": "a",

"status": "Active"




"status": 3000


or if zip_file_size of uploaded zip file is not correct:


"data": [],

"message": [

"Uploaded Zip file is invalid"


"status": 3003


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Last Published Tuesday, February 8, 2022