Update Fund Consumption for CBS Level SOV (Auto-Order / Auto-Ratio)

PUT /ws/rest/service/v1/fund/sov/consumption/{project_number}


To assign Funds to CBS in SOV of types "General Spends" & "Payment Applications".


All parameters should be URL encoded.

Both input & output in JSON format in the body.

Fund Consumption for CBS Level SOV input JSON

SOV Auto-Ratio



"Purchase Orders" ( commit_bp_name ):{

"sov_type":"General Spends", ( optional )

"assignment_type":"SOV Auto-Ratio", ( optional )


"PO-0002" ( SOV base record number ):{




"cbs_code":"100~~101", ( optional )





"status" : "Active" ( optional )



"fund_code":"State Funding",


"status" : "Active"



"fund_code":"Federal Funding",







"breakdown" : "BD1",




"fund_code":"State Funding",

























SOV Auto-Order (fund_assignment can be provided in two ways):




"Group_by_CBS_base_commit_bp" ( commit_bp_name ): {

"sov_type": "General Spends",

"assignment_type": "SOV Auto-Order",

"record_no": {

"uxfund20-0000" ( SOV base record number ): {

"rows": [


"item#": "000010",

"cbs_code": "100~~101",

"fund_assignment": [


"State Funding",

"Federal Funding"












"Group_by_CBS_base_commit_bp": {

"sov_type": "General Spends",

"assignment_type": "SOV Auto-Order",

"record_no": {

"uxfund20-0000": {

"rows": [


"item#": "000010",

"cbs_code": "100~~101",

"fund_assignment": [


"fund_code" : "funding"



"fund_code" : "State Funding"



"fund_code" : "Federal Funding"











The "item#" is mandatory, to uniquely identify row to be updated, in SOV sheet.

For SOV Auto-Order , if only one fund_code is provided in input without fund_ratio, then default 100% will be applied to that fund_code.

SOV sheets configured to be funded from Commit Fund Sheet, will not get updated from this update call.


JSON object containing 'status', 'data', 'message'

Response message contains key as "<record_no>/<item#>/<breakdown, if present>

And "item_status", "item_message" contains individual response for that row in SOV record.

Fund Consumption for CBS Level SOV ouput JSON

SOV Auto-Ratio






"PO-0002/000010" :





"PO-0002/000020.00001/BD1" :





"PO-0001/000010" :









SOV Auto-Order






"uxfund20-0000/000010" :









Status codes are:

1>200, for success

2> 3000, for Partial success.

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Last Published Tuesday, February 8, 2022