Get Column Data

GET /ws/rest/service/v1/cost/columndata/{project_number}


Get column data of all rows / lineitems of costsheet for a given column name


All parameters should be URL encoded.

Path Parameter

project_number(Required): Specify the project/shell number to get column data of project cost sheet

Query Parameter

columnname(Required): Specify the column name of cost sheet.

Both input & output in JSON format in the body.


JSON object containing 'status', 'data', 'message'

Get Column Data ouptut JSON


"data": [


"wbs_code": "Cost Code 1",

"short_description": "Direct Entry Line Item",

"amount": "1000.0",

"spends_category": "",

"quantity": "10.0",

"work_package": "",

"unit_of_measure": "each",

"unit_cost": "100.0",

"long_description": ""



"wbs_code": "Cost Code 2",

"short_description": "Direct Entry Line Item",

"amount": "100.0",

"spends_category": "",

"quantity": "10.0",

"work_package": "",

"unit_of_measure": "",

"unit_cost": "10.0",

"long_description": ""



"message": [



"status": 200


Status codes are:

1> 200, for success

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