Get Event Driven Notification

GET /ws/rest/service/v1/event/notification


Get all Notification events based on user configuration/request


All parameters are optional.

Filter condition example:

"filter":{event_date:"2015-07-04T12:08:56.235",object_type:"Business Process", shell_number:"XTB-100"}

Available filter parameters→ "object_type", "event_date", "object_name", "old_status","new_status", "record_no", "project_id" & "shell_number".

Supported Event Date Format: "2019-11-13T10:42" & with milliseconds "2019-11-13T10:42:19.799"

"max_records": Optional(default 1000 records) -maximum records in the request, if not provided system will return 1000 records.

JSON object containing 'status', 'data', 'message', 'latest_event_date', 'total_records', 'fetched_records'

A message will be present if the status is not 200 otherwise it will be "success".

Sample Request/Output:




"latest_event_date": "2019-12-05T16:01:04.062",

"total_records": 2,

"items": [


"workflow_from": "Review",

"workflow_action": "To Approver",

"workflow_to": "Approve",

"object_type": "Business Process",

"shell_number": "XTB-100",

"object_prefix": "uxsov",

"project_id": 1002,

"object_name": "SOV-W-100",

"record_no": "uxsov-0031",

"event_date": "2019-12-05T11:16:26.918",

"object_subtype": "WorkFlow",

"old_status": "Rejected",

"new_status": "Pending"



"workflow_from": null,

"workflow_action": null,

"workflow_to": null,

"object_type": "Business Process",

"shell_number": "XTB-100",

"object_prefix": "uxnwf1",

"project_id": 1002,

"object_name": "Commit NWF1",

"record_no": "uxnwf1-0004",

"event_date": "2019-12-04T08:47:46.994",

"object_subtype": null,

"old_status": "Pending",

"new_status": "Pending"



"fetched_records": 2


"message": [ "Success"],

"status": 200


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Last Published Tuesday, February 8, 2022