Get Space List

GET /ws/rest/service/v1/space


Get list of Space records from Unifier. This works only at project or shell .


All parameters should be URL encoded.

URL query parameter -

URL query parameters

project_number = Building_shell_number

filter_condition = {

"space_type" : "space_bp_name",

"record_fields":"space_sp_space_name; uuu_rsv_overbook; uuu_sp_level_picker; uSiteName; uBuildingName",











"value":"No overbooking",






filter_condition key definition

filter_criteria key Definitions:

  1. "join": (optional)Specify if the filter condition has to be combined using OR or AND operator. Default is AND.
  2. "filter": List of filter conditions. Each condition will have "field", "value" ("value2" if condition_type is range) and condition_type.
    • "field": BP form DE name for which the filter condition has to be applied.
    • "value": value for the DE to filter the data.
    • "value2": second value for the range condition. Not required to be specified for other conditions.

Possible value for condition_type:



Supported Data Element Types


For string data types. The value can contain the SQL wildcard characters when like is specified

Text ( String )


For string, numeric and date data type. Will perform the exact match.

Text ( String ), Number, Cost, Date


For numeric values. Will perform less than value.

Number, Cost, Date


For numeric values. Will perform greater than value.

Number, Cost, Date


For numeric values. Will perform less than or equal value.

Number, Cost, Date


For numeric values. Will perform greater than or equal value.

Number, Cost, Date


For numeric values. Will perform not equal value.

Text ( String ), Number, Cost, Date


Numeric, Date values. Will perform range search between value and value2

Number, Cost, Date

Note: Input Date fields should be provided in "MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss" or ""MM-dd-yyyy" format in filter_criteria.


JSON object containing 'status', 'data', 'message'

Get Space List output JSON





"uuu_rsv_overbook":"No overbooking",









"uuu_rsv_overbook":"No overbooking",










[ "success"




Status codes are:

1> 200 , for success

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Last Published Tuesday, February 8, 2022