Date Only

Type: Date

Size: 0

Input Type (Input Method): Picker

Use on: Any form

This DD is available for forms on mobile device.

Description: Picker for selecting a date.

This data definition differs from the Date Picker in that it includes the date only; no time or time zone.

This definition stores the time as midnight (00:00) and the time zone as the zone where the server resides, but it does not display these values.

Use this data definition for “date-add” and “date-difference” formulas, as well as simple date-only fields on forms.

The behavior of data elements in formulas differs, depending on the formula and the numeric form.

The “Date add” and “date difference” formulas with integers can be used with other Date Only elements.

The “Date add” formulas using decimal numbers are calculated from midnight as in the following examples:

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Last Published Tuesday, April 12, 2022