
Data Definition: Activity Constraint

Form Label (Field Label): Constraint

# of Characters: Not applicable

Where to use it: Schedule sheets

Use this element for: Gathering constraint information about an activity.

Pull-down Menu (Drop-down list) for selecting a constraint between activities on a schedule sheet.

A constraint ties a successor activity start date to a predecessor activity completion date, after observing dependencies and lags.

The available constraints in Unifier are As soon as possible (ASAP) and None:

As soon as possible: If the start date of a predecessor activity changes, this option either pulls in or pushes out the start date of an ASAP-constrained successor activity accordingly.  If an ASAP-constrained activity does not have a predecessor, the schedule sheet start date determines the activity start date; un-started ASAP-constrained successor activities align accordingly.

None: The start date of a None-constrained activity does not change if the start date of a predecessor activity changes. The schedule sheet start date does not determine the start date of None-constrained activities that do not have predecessor activities.

When the schedule sheet is imported, Unifier sets all values to None; the user must set any desired activity constraints.

This DE is available for user-defined reports (UDRs) and data views.

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Last Published Tuesday, April 12, 2022