Accessing a WBS Sheet

To open a WBS sheet or WBS worksheet (window) form the WBS Sheet node log window click to open the gear menu () and click Open to open the WBS Sheet worksheet (window).

The WBS Sheet worksheet (window) has the following toolbar options:

Add Column

Enables you to create a new column by providing values for the following mandatory fields:

  • Name
  • Type
  • Datasource
  • Data Format
  • Display Mode
  • Total
  • Column Position


Enables you to select a project from the drop-down menu.


Enables you to change the view of the WBS Sheet window. You can use this option to access created views, create new views, or manage the existing views.

Edit View

Enables you to select which columns to be displayed or remain hidden, apply filters, group and sort by available fields. Save custom views.

  • In the Columns tab, add/remove/reorder columns in the default view. You can save as a custom view.
  • In the Filter tab, add conditions to filter the results of a column.
  • In the Group By tab, create or modify groups using column elements. For example, activity status.
  • In the Sort By tab, define the sorting order (Ascending or Descending) of columns.


Enables you to print or export the WBS Sheet contents.


Enables you to see the added values to the columns of the WBS sheet.

Find on Page

Enables you to search a for a WBS sheet on the worksheet (window).

Expand All Groups or Collapse All Groups

Enables you to expand or collapse a WBS sheet to see the subordinates. The tree- like structure displays the summarized WBS and corresponding values of the project selected in the Projects list. You can export the WBS structure from the sheet.

Menu icon

The menu icon (the icon with three horizontal lines) drop-down enables you to:

  • Import

    Enables you to import Column Details. The Column Name drop-down list in the Import Column Details window displays all of the direct cell entry columns that have been added to the sheet. You can select any one column and import the values into the column, using the exported CSV file.

  • Export

    Enables you to export Column Details or Summary WBS Sheet. When you select Summary WBS Sheet, the exported file will contain the entire WBS Sheet information including all WBS Codes and columns data.

  • Columns

    Enables you to add, copy, or paste columns. See Adding Columns to a WBS Sheet for more details.

  • Row Coloring

    Enables you to assign single or multiple colors.

  • Variance Analysis Setup

    Enables you to set up the variance analysis by selecting the BP, workflow, record owner, and trigger conditions.

  • Create Variance Analysis Record

    Enables you to create the variance analysis records for all of the WBS Codes in the sheet. Before creating a Variance Analysis Record, you must set up the Variance Analysis at WBS level.

    Note: Ensure that the business process that you select is active; otherwise, the system displays this error: "Business Process has not been selected."

The WBS Sheet worksheet (window) displays a list of WBS sheets, in rows. The following columns provide detail information about each WBS sheet:

The values for the following columns are coming from P6 directly:

Note: The General tab of each WBS Code will not display these columns. In addition, formula values that depend on these columns will not display.

When you right-click on a cell, Unifier displays the following options:

Linked Record

For a WBS Code, the Linked Record column indicates if there are any associated auto-created records to hightlighted WBS Code, or not. When you click on the link, the right-hand pane opens, with Linked Records tab highlighted (see below for more information on the Linked Records tab).

The Linked Record column can be empty if no auto-creation of variance analysis record has been triggered.

When a variance analysis record auto-creation fails, when you hover over the link cell, the following message is will be displays: "<failure reason>. Click to see history details." When you click, the right-hand pane displays the history details. Here are some of the failure reasons:

If the rotate icon is displayed instead of the link icon, then the auto-creation of the record is still in progress. The link icon is displayed after the auto-creation is complete.

You can use the gear menu () next to each WBS Code row, or right-click on a cell, to: Create Variance Analysis Record, Expand Row, and Collapse Row. You can click the X icon to close the WBS sheet, exit the WBS Sheet log, and return to the WBS Sheet node log window (Activity Manager module > WBS Sheet node).

When you click on a WBS code on the WBS worksheet (window) grid, the right-hand pane opens and displays a series of tabs.

Note: On the right-hand pane, you have the option to use the icons (on the right) to expand the pane or to dock the pane.

The following table explains each tab:

Note: Users who have at least the view permission for the auto-created record should be able to view the record by double clicking.

WBS Line Items tab

Displays the title, description, and amount, or quantity, of the WBS Line Items.

Cell Details tab

Displays the WBS Code and WBS Name along with the column name, currency, cell total amount, and status.

General tab

Displays details about the WBS Attribute Form such as the CM WBS name, code, and WBS type, ETC Technique, and EVM PV.

Variance Analysis tab

Displays the following information:

Setup block

Business Process

You can select the Business Process at WBS Code level similar to the Variance Analysis Setup done at WBS Sheet. The drop-down menu lists of all project level or shell level BPs, enabling you to select a new value or modify the existing value.

Bypass Initiation Step during auto creation

If you select this option, then the auto-created BP record will bypass the initiation step and land on the second step of the workflow.

Select Workflow

You can select a workflow if your selected BP has multiple workflows. The Select Workflow field function is similar to the Variance Analysis Setup window.

Record Owner

You can select the record owner at WBS level. This field lists all of the OBS Pickers, User Pickers, and User Data Pickers added to the WBS Attribute form. When you select the OBS Picker as the record owner, then the picker in general tab displays the OBS users that you had selected.

Trigger Conditions block

Multiple trigger conditions can be defined for each WBS level. Adding trigger conditions is similar to adding at WBS Sheet level setup. You can add one or more additional conditions to indicate trigger condition of the current WBS. The Data Element, Condition, and Value must be specified exactly the same way as specified in the Variance Analysis setup at WBS Sheet level.

The Create Now option is enabled once you select the required fields on the tab. Use the Create Now option to auto-create the business process record manually if a BP is present in the setup. If the record owner is not specified, then Unifier uses the auto-creator in the destination BP (auto-creation tab) as the record owner.

Note: Any trigger conditions defined are ignored in case you select the "Create Now" option.

Linked Records tab

All the auto-created records are shown in the Linked Records tab for each WBS Code.

The following explains the toolbar options

  • Refresh: To refresh the items based on the latest records.
  • Find on Page: To enable you to conduct a text-based search for each column.

The following explains the columns.

  • Record Number: System auto-created business process record number.
  • BP Name: The name of the Business process.
  • Title: the title value from the business process record.
  • Status: The current status of the auto-created record, including the terminated records.
  • Created By: The username of the user who is creator of the auto-created record.
  • Creation Date: The date that the record is auto-created.

Variance Analysis History tab

This tab captures the list of failed auto-creation for each WBS Code, in case business process is inactive or trigger conditions have not been met, etc. The following is a list of the columns in this tab:

  • Event: Displays, "Error" for failed auto-creations.
  • Action Displays, "Auto Create."
  • Field Name: This will be WBS Code where the auto creation failure occurs.
  • New Value: Displays the error text.

When you right-click on each column heading, depending on which column on the grid, some or all of the following options will be made available:

Lock after this Column

To lock or release the position of a column on the grid.


To insert a column through:

Business Process Data Source

Direct Cell Entry

From EVA Sheet

From Activity Sheet

WBS Custom Attributes



Hide this Column

To hide the column that you had selected.


To delete a column.


To open the Column Properties window and review or change (with limitations) the properties of a column.

When you hover over each column heading, Unifier displays information about that column.

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Last Published Tuesday, April 27, 2021