Adding Columns to a WBS Sheet

You can add WBS custom attributes to a WBS sheet, as columns. The WBS Sheet window toolbar menu drop-down (the icon with three horizontal lines) enables you to add columns to the WBS Sheet.

Note: By default, all of the predefined columns that are in hidden block in the WBS Attribute Form will display when you open the WBS sheet.

The following explains how to add a column by way of creating a new column or copying an existing column.

To add a new column:

  1. On the toolbar, click the Add Column icon (the three vertical lines) to open the New Column window.
  2. Enter or select values in the following mandatory fields:
    1. Name
    2. Type
    3. Datasource
    4. Data Format
    5. Display Mode
    6. Total
    7. Column Position

    The following fields are optional and enable you to customize you newly added column:

    • Data Format
    • Display Mode
    • Total
  3. Click Save, or Save & Add New to continue.

The following explains the mandatory fields.


The name of the column that you want to add. The value in this field is pre-populated according to the selected Datasource; however, you can override the pre-populated value.


This field has the following options:

  • Business Process Data Source: When you select this option, all of the data elements, based on SYS BP Decimal Amount and SYS BP Currency Amount which are added on the WBS Attributes Form, are displayed in the Datasource drop-down list. Select this option if want to pull the roll up information for the new WBS (Type-cost BP). The Datasource drop-down list will be displayed followed by the Formula creator option which enables you to create the query for the column. When you select the Formula Picker, the Formula creator window displays the list of new Cost-type BPs with different statuses where you can select BPs to see the roll-up amount.
  • Direct Cell Entry: When you select this option, all of the data elements, based on SYS Numeric and Date logical data sources, are displayed. You can define manual entry column by using the logical sources. You can copy the data in the Direct Cell Entry field and paste it into other manual entry column.
  • From EVA Sheet: When you select this option, all of the data elements, based on SYS Numeric logical data sources as data sources, are displayed. Select this option if you need to populate data into WBS sheet from an EVA sheet. When you select the logical data source, you can select the sheet name and available DEs, per selected sheet, are displayed as columns to add.
  • From Activity Sheet: Select this option if you need to populate data in to the WBS Sheet column from an Activity Sheet. When you select this option:
    • All of the data elements are displayed in the Datasource field (based on SYS Numeric logical data sources and SYS Date logical sources).
    • The logical data source, you can select the sheet name and available DEs, per selected sheet, are displayed as columns to add.

    When you select the SYS Date logical data source, all of the date columns (like Planned Start, Planned Finish, etc.) from the Activity Sheet will be available to pick.

  • WBS Custom Attributes: When you select this option, all of the custom attributes that are added in WBS Attributes Form are displayed.
  • Formula: When you select this option, all of the data elements are displayed in the Datasource field (based on SYS Numeric, SYS Date logical data sources, and SYS Integer Amount). If you select Formula as the type, then the Datasource field displays the following:
    • A list of all of the SYS Numeric and SYS Date logical source data elements that allow formula-type entry. The logical source data elements that already have been used to create a column will not be listed.
    • A formula creator window (Formula Creation Window) that you can use to create the formula for the column. The formula window shows the list of all numeric columns tha can be created as formula.


The drop-down list displays a list of all SYS Numeric and SYS Date logical source data elements which allow the formula-type entry. The sources that have been used to create a column will not display in the list. The Datasource drop-down list will be displayed followed by the Formula creator option which enables you to create the formula for the column. The Formula window shows all of the list numeric columns (all Numeric Columns) that can be created as formula.

Data Format

The data format options are:

  • Currency
  • Decimal

The Data Format option is available only when SYS Numeric logical source Datasource is selected, and by default the Currency must be selected. There are no data format for Date- and String-type data elements.

If you select the SYS BP Currency Amount data element, then the default option will be Currency.

If you select the SYS BP Decimal Amount data element, then the default option will be Decimal.

When you select Decimal, and proceed to choose a number, Unifier displays the choice of decimal places (values are zero to eight).

Summary Rows

Within the formula columns, in the WBS Sheet, you can select the type of summary rows that you want to display. The options under the Summary Rows block enable you to display the roll-up value from children (Sum of All Rows), or to display the formula value (Use Formula Definition). Your options are:

  • Blank
  • Sum of All Rows
  • Use Formula Definition

Display Mode

The display mode options are:

  • Show
  • Hide


The total options are:

  • Blank
  • Sum of All Rows
  • Use Formula Definition: This option is available for a formula column.

Column Position After

To position the newly added column.

  • If you choose a column in the Cost sheet and then select to add a column, then the Column Position After drop-down will be pre-populated according to the name of the selected column in the WBS sheet.
  • If you select no column and then select to add a column, then the Column Position After drop-down will be pre-populated according to the name of the last column in the WBS sheet.

To add a new column by way of copying an existing column:

  1. On the toolbar options, click the menu drop-down (the icon with three horizontal lines) .
  2. Click Columns.
  3. Click Copy Column Data to open the Copy Column Data window.
  4. Select values in the following fields:
    1. Copy from Column (mandatory)
    2. Percentage
    3. Past to Column (mandatory)
  5. Click Save to continue.

The following explains the fields.

Copy from Column (mandatory)

Displays all of the existing manual-entry or formula-based numeric columns for you to select.


To enter the percentage value. The value must be greater than zero and less than or equal to 100.

Paste to Column (mandatory)

Displays all of the existing manual-entry numeric columns for you to select.

If you right-click on the Direct Cell Entry of a numeric column, you can hide, lock, copy (the column data), paste (the column data) into, delete, or see the properties of that column. The Copy Column Data option is available only for:

The Copy from Column field will be pre-populated with the name of the selected column; however, you can change the source to any other source.

If you right-click on the column header, you can see some or all of the following options:

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Last Published Tuesday, April 27, 2021