Activity Sheet and CSV Template

In this section, the following topics are covered:

CSV Template for Activity Details

When you export the CSV template file (using Export > Activity Details), the order of the columns in the CSV template matches the order of the data elements that are added in the integration phase. You can:

During the CSV import (for creating new activities), Unifier performs the following validations:

You will encounter error messages when creating new activities by way of CSV import if:

You will encounter the following validations when creating new activities by way of CSV import:

Using CSV Import to Update Activities

The editable data elements in the activities that exist in the sheet can be updated by using the CSV import, including:

When updating through CSV import, Unifier validates the existing activities including:

If the Start Date (uuu_P6Start) exists for an activity and the Duration (uuu_P6Duration) is also provided in the input CSV file, then Unifier calculates the Finish Date (uuu_P6Finish). In this case, if Finish Date (uuu_P6Finish) is provided, then Unifier calculates the Duration (uuu_P6Duration) based on the Finish Date (uuu_P6Finish) and uuu_P6ActivityCalendar.

In the CSV file, for existing activities:

New and Existing Activities Through CSV Import

For the new activities with uuu_P6ActivityStatus as "Not Started" the following cases apply for Start, Finish, and Duration:










Behavior after Import

No value entered

No value entered

No value entered

No value entered

No value entered

No value entered

No value entered

No value entered

No value entered

Activity will be created with default value as project Start date for Start, Finish, Planned Start, Planned Finish, Remaining EarlyStart, Remaining EarlyFinish.

Valid date entered >= Project Start Date

Valid date >=Project Start Date and > uuu_P6Start

Calculated field if not provided explicitly

If not provided then should show same as P6Start 

If not provided then should show same as P6Finish 

Duration calculated between planned start and Planned finish

If not provided then should show same as P6Start 

If not provided then should show same as P6Finish 

Duration calculated using remaining start and remaining finish

Activity will be created with duration calculated based  Start and Finish Dates

No date entered, then same as uuu_P6PlannedStart; otherwise, retain the date entered

No date entered, then same as uuu_P6PlannedFinish; otherwise, retain the date entered

Calculated field if not provided explicitly

Valid date entered >= Project Start Date

Valid date >= Project Start Date and uuu_P6PlannedStart

Duration calculated between planned start and Planned finish

No date entered, then same as uuu_P6PlannedStart; otherwise, retain the date entered

No date entered, then same as uuu_P6PlannedFinish; otherwise, retain the date entered

Duration calculated using remaining start and remaining finish

Activity will be created with duration calculated based Start and Finish Dates

No date entered, then same as uuu_P6RemainingEarlyStart; otherwise, retains the date entered

No date entered, then same as uuu_P6RemainingEarlyFinish; otherwise, retains the date entered

Calculated field if not provided explicitly

No date entered, then same as uuu_P6RemainingEarlyStart; otherwise, retains the date entered

No date entered, then same as uuu_P6RemainingEarlyFinish; otherwise, retains the date entered

Not applicable

Valid date entered >= Project Start Date

Valid date >= Project Start Date and uuu_P6RemainingStart

Duration calculated using remaining start and remaining finish

Activity will be created with duration calculated based Start and Finish Dates

The validations mentioned above will be applied to the following dates and durations:

New "In Progress" and "Completed" Activities

In the input CSV file for a new activity creation, the following applies to:

The invalid values for any of the date and duration columns will result in error.







Valid date entered and on or after Project Schedule Start Date

Valid date entered and >= uuu_P6ActualStart

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Activity will be created with Activity Status as "Complete"

Activity Complete will be 100%

Actual Duration will be duration between Actual Start and Actual Finish.

uuu_P6RemainingStart and uuu_P6Reamining Finish will not show any dates as the activity is complete

If provided, the remaining dates in the input CSV file for completed activity will be ignored and remaining duration will be 0 (zero)

Note: If not provided in the CSV input file, the P6Start, P6Finish, P6PlannedStart, and P6PlannedFinish will be the project start date; otherwise, the user-provided dates will be retained.

No date entered for uuu_P6Start, uuu_P6Finish and entered uuu_P6ActualStart

No Value provided

No Value provided

No Value provided

Valid value entered

Activity will be created with Activity Status as "In Progress"

Activity Percentage as entered in input CSV file

Actual Duration will be 0 (zero), if not entered

Note: If not provided in the CSV input file, the P6Start, P6Finish, P6PlannedStart, and P6PlannedFinish will be the project start date; otherwise, the user-provided dates will be retained.

The uuu_P6RemainingStart will be the Actual Start Date and the uuu_RemainingFinish will be the uuu_P6RemainingStart + uuu_P6RemainingDuration

Valid date entered for uuu_P6Start, uuu_P6Finish but no uuu_P6ActualStart is provided.

Valid date entered and on or after Project Schedule Start Date

No Value provided

No Value provided

No Value provided

Activity will be created with Activity Status as "Completed"

Actual Start and Actual Finish Dates are shown with same date as provided in Actual Finish Date and Activity % Complete should be 100% (one hundred percent)

Actual Duration will be duration between Actual Start and Actual Finish

Note: If not provided in the CSV input file, the P6Start, P6Finish, P6PlannedStart, and P6PlannedFinish will be the project start date; otherwise, the user-provided dates will be retained

The uuu_P6RemainingStart and uuu_P6Reamining Finish will not show any dates because the activity is complete (if provided in the input CSV file for completed activity, then the dates will be ignored and remaining duration will be 0)

Actual Duration will be total duration between Actual Start and Actual Finish

No Value provided

No Value provided

Valid value entered for uuu_P6Actual Duration

No Value provided

No Value provided

Activity will be created with Activity Status as "Not Started"

Activity Complete will be 0% (zero percent)

Actual Duration value will be ignored if entered without uuu_P6ActualStart

If the uuu_P6Start and uuu_P6Actual Start are both entered, then those dates are retained; otherwise, the uuu_P6Start and uuu_P6Finish will be the project start date, if it exists

The uuu_P6PlannedStart will be same as uuu_P6Start, and the uuu_P6PlannedFinish will be same as uuu_P6Finish

The uuu_P6RemainingStart and uuu_P6Remaining Finish will be the same as uuu_P6Start and uuu_P6Finish

Valid date entered in uuu_P6Start and uuu_P6Finish

Valid date entered and on or after Project Schedule Start Date

Valid date entered and <= uuu_P6ActualStart

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Error message indicating that the uuu_P6ActualFinish cannot be earlier than uuu_P6ActualStart

Update Activities



uuu_P6Planned Start






Behavior after import

For Not Started Activity: Valid date provided

No Change

No Change

No Change

No Value

No Value

No Change

No Change

Activity will be updated with uuu_P6Start update provided

uuu_P6Finish will be calculated based on Start and duration

All other dates - Planned Start, Planned Finish ,Remaining Early Start and Remaining Early Finish will be updated same as Start and Finish

Activity status will be "Not Started"

No Change

Valid date provided

No Change 

No Change

No Value

No Value

No Change 

No Change

Activity will be updated with uuu_P6Finish and duration will be recalculated

All other dates - Planned Start, Planned Finish, Remaining Early Start and Remaining Early Finish will be updated same as Start and Finish

Activity status will be "Not Started"

No Change 

No Change 

No Change 

No Change 

Valid Value entered

No Value

No Change 

No Change 

Activity will be updated with uuu_P6Start same as uuu_P6ActualStart

Planned Start and Planned Finish will not be changed

Remaining Early start will be same as uuu_P6ActualStart and Remaining Early Finish will be same as uuu_P6Finish

Activity status will be "In progress"

No Change

No Change

No Change 

No Change

No Change 

Valid date entered

No Change

No Change

Activity will be updated with uuu_P6Finish same as uuu_P6ActualFinish

Planned Start and Planned Finish will not be changed

Remaining Early start and Finish will not show any dates (empty) as the activity is completed

Activity status will be "Complete"

Activity percent will be 100% (one hundred percent)

Note: When you change any of the above dates, Unifier updates the dates accordingly. For activities that are marked as "Not Started," the values for the Start, Finish, PlannedStart, Planned Finish, Remaining Early Start, and Remaining Early Finish will be the same.

Add Start Milestone Activity




Activity Status

Activity Type





Valid date provided

No value

No value

No value

Activity type is provided as  'Start Milestone'

No value

No value

No value

Activity will be created as milestone with Activity Type selected as "Start Milestone"

Activity Status will be "Not Started"

uuu_P6Start and uuu_P6Finish will be the same date as given in input CSV for uuu_P6Start.

uuu_P6Duration will be 0 (zero)

No value

Valid date provided.

Valid value provided  or not provided.

No value

Activity type is provided as  'Start Milestone'

No value

No value

No value

Activity will be created as milestone with Activity Type selected as "Start Milestone"

Activity Status will be "Not Started"

uuu_P6Start and uuu_P6Finish will be the same as uuu_P6Finish

uuu_P6Duration will be 0 (zero)

No value

No value

No value

Activity Status is provided as 'Not Started' 

Activity type is provided as  'Start Milestone'

No value

No value

No value

Activity will be created as milestone with Activity Type selected as "Start Milestone"

Activity Status will be "Not Started"

uuu_P6Start and uuu_P6Finish will be the project schedule start date

uuu_P6Duration will be 0 (zero)

No value

No value

No value

Activity Status is provided as 'Completed' 

Activity type is provided as  'Start Milestone'

No value

No value

No value

Activity will be created as milestone with Activity Type selected as "Start Milestone"

Activity Status will be "Completed"

uuu_P6Start and uuu_P6Finish will be the project schedule start date

uuu_P6ActualStart and uuu_P6ActualFinish will be the project schedule start date

uuu_P6Duration will be 0 (zero)

uuu_P6PercentComplete will be 100 (one hundred)

Valid date provided

Valid date provided and not same as uuu_P6start

Valid value provided  or not provided.

No value

Activity type is provided as  'Start Milestone'

No value

No value

No value

Activity will be created as milestone with Activity Type selected as "Start Milestone"

Activity Status will be "Not Started"

uuu_P6Start and uuu_P6Finish will be the same date as given in input CSV for uuu_P6Start

uuu_P6Duration will be 0 (zero)

No Value

No Value

Valid value provided  or not provided.

No value

Activity type is provided as  'Start Milestone'

No value

No value

No value

Activity will be created as milestone with Activity Type selected as "Start Milestone"

Activity Status will be "Not Started"

uuu_P6Start and uuu_P6Finish will be the same date as given project schedule start date

uuu_P6Duration will be 0 (zero)

Valid date provided

Valid date provided and not same as uuu_P6start or Value not provided

Valid value provided  or not provided.

No value

Activity type is provided as  'Start Milestone'

No value

No value

No value

Error message

Note: This is the same case when uuu_P6ActualStart and uuu_P6ActualFinish are provided, and they are different dates.

Valid date provided

Valid date provided and  same as uuu_P6start or Value not provided

No value

No value

Activity type is provided as  'Start Milestone'

Valid date provided 

No value

No value

Activity will be created as milestone with Activity Type selected as "Start Milestone"

Activity Status will be 'Completed'.

uuu_P6ActualStart and uuu_P6ActualFinish will be same date as provided

uuu_P6Start and uuu_P6Finish will be the same date as uuu_P6ActualStart

uuu_P6Duration will be 0 (zero)

uuu_P6PercentComplete will be 100 (one hundred)

Activity will be created as milestone with Activity Type selected as "Start Milestone"

Activity Status will be 'Completed'.

uuu_P6ActualStart and uuu_P6ActualFinish will be same date as provided

uuu_P6Start and uuu_P6Finish will be the same date as uuu_P6ActualStart

uuu_P6Duration will be 0 (zero)

uuu_P6PercentComplete will be 100 (one hundred)

The following dates will show the same date as uuu_P6Start, uuu_P6Finish and uuu_P6Duration for the milestone activities:

Update Existing Activity (Not Started) to Start Milestone




Activity Status

Activity Type





Valid value provided  or not provided.

Valid value provided  or not provided.

Valid value provided  or not provided.

Valid value provided  or not provided.

Activity type is provided as  'Start Milestone'

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Activity will be created as milestone with Activity Type selected as "Start Milestone"

Activity Status will be "Not Started"

uuu_P6Start and uuu_P6Finish will be the same as project schedule start date

uuu_P6Duration will be 0 (zero)

Update Existing Activity (In Progress or Completed) to Start Milestone




Activity Status

Activity Type





Valid value provided  or not provided.

Valid value provided  or not provided.

Valid value provided  or not provided.

Valid value provided  or not provided.

Activity type is provided as  'Start Milestone'

Valid value provided  or not provided.

Valid value provided  or not provided.

Valid value provided  or not provided.

Activity will be created as milestone with Activity Type selected as "Start Milestone"

Activity Status will be "Completed"

uuu_P6Start and uuu_P6Finish will be the same date as uuu_P6ActualStart

uuu_P6Duration will be 0 (zero)

uuu_P6ActualStart and uuu_P6ActualFinish will be same date and uuu_P6ActualDuration will be 0 (zero)

uuu_P6PercentComplete will be 100 (one hundred)

Activity will be created as milestone with Activity Type selected as "Start Milestone"

Activity Status will be "Completed"

uuu_P6Start and uuu_P6Finish will be the same date as uuu_P6ActualStart

uuu_P6Duration will be 0 (zero)

uuu_P6ActualStart and uuu_P6ActualFinish will be same date and uuu_P6ActualDuration will be 0 (zero)

uuu_P6PercentComplete will be 100 (one hundred)

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Last Published Tuesday, April 27, 2021