PM Book Templates Business Process

PM Book Templates BP - Level


PM Book Templates BP - Type

Line Item

PM Book Templates BP - Workflow

PM Book Templates BP is a non-workflow BP.

PM Book Templates BP - Template

Company Workspace > Admin mode > Templates > Shells > Sites> MASTER Site TEMPLATE > Setup > Business Process > PM Book Templates

PM Book Templates BP - Create

To create PM Book templates:

  1. Navigate to the All Properties node.
  2. From the User mode, expand the FAM Templates node and select PM Book Templates.
  3. From the BP log page, click Create.Refer to the table below to complete the form.
  4. Select the Scheduled PM, Gauge Triggered, and Meter Triggered tabs.
    1. Click Add.
    2. Refer to the table below to enter the required information.
  5. Select Finish Editing to save the job plans.

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Last Published Wednesday, January 8, 2020