Property Dispositions Business Process

Property Dispositions BP - Purpose

To identify the property that will be disposed and provides the justification/reason for the disposition.

Property Dispositions BP - Level


Property Dispositions BP - Type


Property Dispositions BP - Workflow

Building Disposition

Land Disposition

Linear Asset Disposition

PD Workflow set up

Record Statuses

Groups Associated with this BP

Creation, Disposition Review, Clarification Steps: Corporate Real Estate, Corporate Real Estate Finance, Finance, Real Estate Managers.

Property Dispositions BP - Create

To create a Property Dispositions BP:

  1. From the User mode, navigate to the All Properties node.
  2. Expand the Transactional Management node on the Left pane, and select Property Dispositions.
  3. From the BP log page:

    In Standard View:

    1. Click Create.
    2. From the Select Business Process Origin drop-down list, ensure that your project is selected.
    3. From the Select Business Process drop-down list, ensure that the BP you want to create is selected.
    4. From the Select Workflow drop-down list, select from one of the following workflows: Building Disposition, Linear Asset Disposition, or Land Disposition.
    5. Click Create.

    In Classic View:

    1. From the toolbar, click New.
    2. From the Workflow drop-down list, select from one of the following workflows: Building Disposition, Linear Asset Disposition, or Land Disposition.
  4. Complete the form. The required fields are in red and marked with an asterisk.
  5. From the Workflow Actions drop-down menu, select Send For Disposition Review.

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Last Published Wednesday, January 8, 2020