Titles Business Process

Titles BP - Purpose

Property Titles process is used to capture data related to real estate property titles such as Property Name, Address, Date Title Executed, and so forth.

Titles BP - Level


Titles BP - Type


Titles BP - Workflow

Titles BP is a non-workflow BP.

Record Statuses

Groups Associated with this BP

Corporate Real Estate, Property Managers, Facility Managers, and Real Estate Managers can create and edit this BP.

Titles BP - Template

Company Workspace > Admin mode > Templates > Shells > Buildings > MASTER OFFICE BUILDING TEMPLATE > Setup > Business Process > Titles

Titles BP - Create

To create a Titles BP:

  1. From the User mode, navigate to the Shell (for example: Building or Campus) where you want to create the record.
  2. Expand the Real Estate Data Management node on the Left pane, and select Titles.
  3. From the BP log page, click Create.Complete the form. The required fields are in red and marked with an asterisk.
  4. Select Finish Editing.

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Last Published Wednesday, January 8, 2020