Linking and Unlinking Projects

When you create a scenario, Unifier populates the sheet with all the projects that have met the criteria for inclusion on the sheet.

Note: The criteria were set up in a query that was included in the Portfolio Manager configuration.

This is a dynamic process that occurs whenever you open a portfolio scenario sheet. The projects that appear on the sheet will fluctuate, depending on whether they still meet the criteria for inclusion. For example, a project that was previously on the portfolio scenario sheet may be dropped from the sheet if it no longer meets the query criteria and another project may be added to the sheet because it now meets the query criteria.

According to the Portfolio Manager configuration, all the projects on the scenario sheet will be automatically linked when you first open the portfolio scenario sheet.

The data on the portfolio scenario sheet is linked to the project data and is updated every time you open the sheet.

Any new project that is added to the sheet will also be linked.

You can unlink one or multiple projects from the portfolio scenario sheet. If projects are unlinked, the data on the portfolio scenario sheet is not linked to the project data and will not be updated by changes in the project data. In addition, any new project that is added to the sheet will also be unlinked. See the Columns section for additional information.

To link a project back to the sheet:

  1. Select the project rows that you want to link.
    • For a single project row, click the link icon in the second column, or click the Link/Unlink button.
    • For multiple project rows, click the Link/Unlink button.

    When the project is linked, Unifier will display a link icon in the second column beside the names of the projects.

  2. Click the Save icon.

To unlink a project from the scenario sheet:

  1. Select the project rows that you want to unlink.
    • For a single project row, click the link icon in the second column, or click the Link/Unlink button.
    • For multiple project rows, click the Link/Unlink button.

    When the projects are unlinked, Unifier will delete the link icon in the second column beside the names of the projects.

  2. Click the Save icon.

    You can also unlink a project by editing any cell in the row. Once you start editing, Unifier will automatically unlink the project from the project data.

    If an unlinked project shows a discrepancy between the actual project data and the data you entered on the sheet, Unifier will display the numbers in italics and flag the actual cell data that differs with a dark bar.

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Last Published Tuesday, March 2, 2021