Business Process Type: Line Item or Cost

To add a line item to a record:

  1. From the bottom of the form, click Add.
    • If the business process (BP) does not use summary line items, Unifier opens the Line Item window.
    • If the BP uses summary line items, choose Detail Line Item or Summary Line Item, as appropriate, to open the Line Item window.
  2. Complete the line item fields and then click OK.

To edit a line item:

Note: As long as the BP form is still a draft, you can edit a line item at any time.

  1. Select a line item and click Open.
  2. Make your changes to the line item.
  3. Click OK.

To remove a line item:

  1. Click on a line item to select.
  2. Click Remove.

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Last Published Tuesday, March 2, 2021