Creating a Budget Changes Record

To create a Budget Changes record

  1. Go to your project. Ensure that you are in the User mode.
  2. Expand the Financial Transactions node and expand the Budget node.
  3. Select Budget Changes.
  4. From the BP log page, click Create.The Create New Budget Changes form opens. Complete, at minimum, the required fields according to the Upper form table below. You can save the form as a draft at any time. Unifier stores the draft in the Drafts folder.
  5. In the Line Items section click Add or Grid. The Line Items form opens.
  6. Complete the Line Items form according to the Line Items table below. You must complete all required fields on each line that you entered before you can save the Line Items form.
  7. Click OK to save the Line Items.

    Unifier automatically calculates the aggregate value of the line items and displays the amount in Total Amount at the bottom of the record.

  8. In Workflow Actions select the workflow action to take. In this case, your selection is Submit.
  9. In Action Details, select who should receive the record.
    1. Click To... The User/Groups picker opens and displays a list of available task recipients.
    2. Select the user or group who will receive the task on the Approval step.
    3. Click Add.
    4. Click OK. The User/Group picker closes and the selection appears in the To field. Upon sending, the record will appear in the recipient's Tasks log.
    5. (Optional) Click Cc... and follow steps a - d. The record will appear in the recipient's Home page Notifications log.
  10. Click Send to route the record to the Approval step. Unifier displays a message stating that the record has been submitted successfully.

Upper Form

General Block

In this field

Do this

Record Number

This is a read-only field that Unifier populates when you send the form to the Approval step.


This is a required field - Enter a name for the record.

Project Number

This field is auto-populated from the project.

Project Name

This field is auto-populated from the project.


This is a read-only field that identifies the person who created the record. The field appears as a link to the creator's contact information.

Creation Date

This is a read-only field that Unifier populates with the record creation date.

Due Date

This is a read-only field.

Due Date is pre-populated to reflect the number of days you have to finish routing the record. If the record becomes late, Unifier displays the record title in bold red.


This read-only field is blank. The status will change when the task is accepted on the next step in the workflow.

Contract Reference

This is not a required field - Enter a contract reference.

Budget Information

In this field

Do this

Type of Change

Select the type of change (Increase or Decrease).

A. Original Budget

This value comes from the project cost sheet.

B. Prior Changes

This value comes from the project cost sheet.

C. Pending Changes

This value comes from the project cost sheet.

D. Current Request

This value is auto-populated. It is a sum of all lines in the Detail form.

E. Total Budget (A+ B+C+D)

This read-only field is auto-calculated based on the formula (A. Original Budget + B. Prior Changes + C. Pending Changes + D. Current Request)


In this field

Do this


This is not a required field - Enter a description of the budget change.

P6 Activity Details

In this field

Do this

P6 Activity

Select the P6 activity you want associated with this budget change.

P6 Planned Start

This value comes from the P6 activity.

P6 Planned Cost

This value comes from the P6 activity.

P6 Planned Finish

This value comes from the P6 activity.

Item Logs

Line Items Tab

In this field

Do this

Cost Code*

This is a required field -Enter the cost code for this line item. You can either enter it directly or use the cost code picker.

Code Name

This read-only field is auto-populated from the cost code name.

Short Description*

This is a required field - Enter a brief description of the item specified on the line item


This is not a required field - Enter a description for the line item.

Spend Category

Select the category from the drop-down menu.

Work Package

You can select a Work Package.

Item Quantity*

This is a required field - Enter the number of items specified on the line item

Unit of Measure

Select the Unit of Measure for the item specified on the line item line item

Item Unit Cost*

This is a required field - Enter the price of the item specified on the line item


This read-only field is auto-calculated using the formula Item Quantity X Item Unit Cost.

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Last Published Tuesday, March 2, 2021