Creating a Payments Record

To create a new Payments record:

  1. Go to your project. Ensure that you are in the User mode.
  2. Expand the Financial Transactions node and expand the Payments and Journal Entries node.
  3. Click Payments.
  4. From the BP log page, click Create.Complete the Upper form according to the Upper form table below. You must enter a Title before you can save, and thereby create a permanent Payments record.
  5. In the Line Items section click Add or Grid. The Line Items form opens.
  6. Complete the Line Items form according to the Line Items table in Adding Line Items to the Payment Record. You must complete all required fields on each line that you entered before you can save the Line Items form.

Upper Form

In this field

Do this

General block

Record Number

This is a read-only field that Unifier populates when you click Send.


This is a required field - Enter a name for the record.

Project Number

This field is auto-populated from the project.

Project Name

This field is auto-populated from the project.

Transaction Currency

This field is auto-populated.

Rate in Project Currency

Unifier auto-calculates this value.

Currency conversions use the exchange rate defined in the active Exchange Rates set in Unifier's Standards & Libraries. Until you modify a currency rate, Unifier uses the last active rate for that currency.


This is a read-only field that identifies the person that created the record. The field appears as a link to the creator's contact information.

Creation Date

This is a read-only field that Unifier populates upon record creation.

Record Last Update Date

This is a read-only field that shows the last time the someone updated the record.


This is a required field - select the status of the Payments record. The choices are Pending and Closed.

Note: If you select Closed status and click Finish Editing, the record will be permanently closed.


This is an auto-calculated field that shows the total amount of the line items.

Project Currency Amount

This is an auto-calculated field that shows the total amount of the line items in project currency.

Currency conversions use the exchange rate defined in the active Exchange Rates set in Unifier's Standards & Libraries. Until you modify a currency rate, Unifier uses the last active rate for that currency.

Description block


Enter a description for the payment.

PO Information block

Note: the PO Information block allows you to select an Invoices record or a Payment Applications record as the payment reference.
The table that follows presents Invoices first, then Payment Applications.

Invoices Selection


This selection allows you to choose the reference Invoices record.

PO Number

Purchase order number is auto-populated from the selected Invoices record.

Invoice Date

Invoice date is auto-populated from the selected Invoices record.


Priority is auto-populated from the selected Invoices record.

Check No

Check number is auto-populated from the selected Invoices record.

Check Processed Date

Check processed date is auto-populated from the selected Invoices record.

Check Date

Check date is auto-populated from the selected Invoices record.

Payment Application Selection

Payment Application

This selection allows you to choose the reference Payment Applications record.

Contract No

Contract number is auto-populated from the selected Payment Applications record.

Invoice Date

Invoice date is auto-populated from the selected Payment Applications record.


Priority is auto-populated from the selected Payment Applications record.

Check No

Check number is auto-populated from the selected Payment Applications record.

Check Processed Date

Check processed date is auto-populated from the selected Payment Applications record.

Check Date

Check date is auto-populated from the selected Payment Applications record.

P6 Activity

Select a P6 activity.

P6 Planned Cost

This is a read-only field.

P6 Planned Start

This is a read-only field.

P6 Planned Finish

This is a read-only field.

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Last Published Tuesday, March 2, 2021