Comparing Vendors' Bids (Classic View)

Once the bidding process ends (after the bid due date has passed), you can open a bid tabulation to compare the bids you received. A default bid tabulation sheet is available in Unifier, or your company may have a custom-designed bid tabulation sheet.

When you have made a decision, contact the winning vendor to award the bid. If it is your company's policy to do so, inform losing vendors that they did not receive the bid.

To compare bids

  1. Open the Requests for Bid record. The record toolbar contains a Show button.
  2. Click the Show button. The Show window opens, listing the bids you received.
  3. From the list, select the vendors you want to compare and click the Compare button. The Compare window opens displaying a bid comparison sheet.

The following table is a scaled down example of the bid comparison sheet.

Data Elements

Vendor 1

Vendor 2

Vendor 3





Bid Package Instructions




Bid Scope








RFB Due Date

Date and time of bid due date

Date and time of bid due date

Date and time of bid due date

Question Cut Off Date

Date and time of question cut-off date

Date and time of question cut-off date

Date and time of question cut-off date

Dial-in Instructions












Date and Time








Order Delivery Date




Bid Priority




Bid Package Revision Number








Bid Line Items





Requester Short Description

Vendor 1 entry

Vendor 2 entry

Vendor 3 entry

Short Description

Vendor 1 entry

Vendor 2 entry

Vendor 3 entry

Item Unit Cost

Vendor 1 entry

Vendor 2 entry

Vendor 3 entry

Item Quantity

Vendor 1 entry

Vendor 2 entry

Vendor 3 entry

Unit of Measure

Vendor 1 entry

Vendor 2 entry

Vendor 3 entry


Vendor 1 entry

Vendor 2 entry

Vendor 3 entry


Vendor 1 entry

Vendor 2 entry

Vendor 3 entry





Requester Short Description

Vendor 1 entry

Vendor 2 entry

Vendor 3 entry

Short Description

Vendor 1 entry

Vendor 2 entry

Vendor 3 entry

Item Unit Cost

Vendor 1 entry

Vendor 2 entry

Vendor 3 entry

Item Quantity

Vendor 1 entry

Vendor 2 entry

Vendor 3 entry

Unit of Measure

Vendor 1 entry

Vendor 2 entry

Vendor 3 entry


Vendor 1 entry

Vendor 2 entry

Vendor 3 entry


Vendor 1 entry

Vendor 2 entry

Vendor 3 entry

Winning Contract

You can populate the winning bidder information on the upper form, automatically. After selecting the winning bid, you do not need to again select the bidder details in order to populate all of the necessary information. You can select the winning bid and use the system to populate the data elements on the upper form and line items, in the Winning bid field. When the winning bid is selected in an RFB BP, if there is a BP Picker or a BP Data Picker in the Vendor BP, then it will be populated with a reference to the winning bidder.

Note: The field names or the properties might vary as per the upper form configuration

The requester sends out the bid invitations and receives bid responses. After the RFB due date, the requester selects the winning bid among the responses received. In this process, usually, Unifier adds a winning bid picker in the upper form in order to select the winning bidder, close the bid, and create a contract. Once the winning bidder is selected, Unifier auto-populates the winning bidder details (including additional details such as the name, organization details (if any), email ID, contact number, and so forth) on the upper form.

Based on the selection made in the picker which references the Vendor BP (for example, Contract awarded to), the rest of the fields related to the vendor details are auto-populated.

The Requests for Bid window (Request for Bid tab), General block, captures the following information about the winning bid:

The Requests for Bid window (Request for Bid tab), Vendor and Awards Details block, captures the following information about the winning bid:

Based on the value selected in the Winning Bid picker, the vendor BP picker will be auto-populated in the upper form. When a user selects a value in the Winning Bid picker (references uuu_bid picker), Unifier auto-populates the selected vendor picker, according to the selection that was made in the Options tab of the BP configuration which references the vendor BP in the upper form. The values for other fields, such as Contact First Name, Email, and so forth, are also auto-populated based on the picker bidder, in the Winning Bid field.

Note: The name of the fields or values being auto-populated will entirely depend on the way the upper form is configured.


If the BP picker condition is set as not equal to "Active", and the vendor record example is: 0001 with status = Inactive, then Unifier ignores the condition setting.

When the user selects a BP Data Picker for auto-populate based on winning bid picker selection, if the BP Data Picker condition is set as, for example, the vendor name is not equal to Oracle, but the vendor record 001 selected has vendor name = Oracle, then Unifier ignores the condition setting.

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Last Published Tuesday, March 2, 2021