Design Requirements for Activity Sheet Attribute Form (AP & RAP)

This section explains the design requirements for the Activity Sheet Attribute in auto-populated (AP) and reverse auto-populated (RAP) forms.

Activities in P6 have several pre-defined field attributes. In addition to the pre-defined field attributes, the P6 users can also define custom field attributes to capture more Activity related information. In P6, the custom attributes are referred to as: User Defined Fields (UDFs).

All field attributes of a P6 activities (pre-defined attributes), or UDFs, can exchange data with Unifier because in Unifier a user can map the P6 activity attributes to the "Activity Sheet" attributes.

To open the Activity Sheet Attributes node, go to: Company Workspace > Admin mode > uDesigner > Schedule Manager. In the Schedule Manager log page click New from the toolbar and select Activity Sheet Attributes to open the Edit Studio, General tab, window.

Creating a new Activity Sheet Attributes is similar to creating a new Schedule Manager or Resource Manager attribute forms.

After you create a new Activity Sheet Attributes, the system generates the following sub-nodes on the Navigator under the Schedule Manager node:

When you click Activity Sheet Attributes node, the Activity Sheet Attributes log or landing page opens. The options on the landing page are similar to those in the Schedule Manager or Resource Manager attribute forms.

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