For Cost Business Processes

Add, remove, and copy line items

Allow modify line items: If compatible with the Cost BP classification, modify line items at any time during the workflow before the end step is reached

Add attachments to line items

Add summary line item amounts

Generate Payment Schedule (for Lease BPs)

Costed Amount must be equal to the line item Amount (Base Commits and Change Commits BPs with Schedule of Values (SOV) Summary Payment Applications type)

In the form design Properties window, Options tab (in the Line Items block), the Display line item group total amount option is made available for the Line Item tab in Action Forms (in Cost type and Line Item type of BPs.

Note: For SPA type BPs, and the classic payment application BP, the Display line item group total amount option is not available for the standard tabs.

The Display line item group total amount option is enabled and unchecked by default.

You (the designer) can select the Display line item group total amount option:

  1. To allow the display of the line item total amount by each group.
  2. When the Allow Add/Remove/Copy line items option is not selected.

In case of the Line Item type BP, if the Amount data element is not a part of the Detail Form design, and if the Display line item group total amount option is selected, then when completing the business process, Unifier will display the following message: Deselect the option 'Display line item group total amount' in form <upper form name> as the amount data element is not added to the detail form <detail form name>.

The Display line item group total amount option is available in view forms. Use this option to show the group totals in a view form. By default, the Display line item group total amount option is not selected.

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Last Published Friday, April 9, 2021