Design Requirements for User Properties Attribute Form

For the User Administration properties to work effectively in Unifier, you will need to create the following components in uDesigner:

Design Flow

The following outlines the design steps necessary to design User Administration user properties attribute forms.

1. Create a data structure (if necessary)

See Creating A Data Structure

2. Create a User Detail Form

See the instructions beginning with Adding Blocks to the Attribute Form and also Adding Fields to a Form

3. Create a View Profile Form

The fields that you add to the User Detail Form can be selected to add to the View Profile Form. You cannot add any data elements to the View Profile Form that are not already on the User Detail Form.

4. Create a log

See Designing a Log. This log can have navigation configured, like that of an advanced log. Optional fields for the logs, in addition to any Additional Attributes:

  • First Name—uuu_user_firstname
  • Last Name—uuu_user_lastname
  • Title—uuu_user_title
  • E-mail—uuu_user_email
  • Work Phone—uuu_user_workphone
  • Home Phone—uuu_user_homephone
  • Mobile Phone—uuu_user_mobilephone
  • Pager—uuu_user_pager
  • Fax—uuu_user_fax
  • Timezone—uuu_user_timezone_pref
  • Date Format—uuu_user_dateformat
  • Proxy Name—uuu_user_proxy
  • Company—uuu_user_Company
  • Name—uuu_user_name
  • Login User Name—uuu_user_loginname
  • Password—uuu_user_password
  • Status—uuu_user_status
  • User Type—uuu_user_type

A new attribute uuu_user_type with a data definition SYS User Type will be added to list of attributes available for the company users log and partner users log. If this attribute is added, then the attribute will be seen in the Company users log and partner users log in the User Administration node.

Note: The attribute will be available only for company users log and partner users log. These should not be seen as part of custom attributes in other module designs.

5. Define Integration for Company Users

Set up integration for the import of Company users, which enables the Web Services and CSV export and import of user information as well as bulk edit (edit of multiple users from the user log). Integration is not available for Partner users.

6. Define a User Picker Log

Specify data elements displayed on the User/Group picker. You can specify the layout, sort order, and find for the picker. This design is available for the Show By User mode, but not for the Show By Group and Show By User/Group modes in the picker.

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Last Published Friday, April 9, 2021