Data Elements (uuu) of Manual Activity Sheet Attributes

The manually created activity sheet attributes form displays system-defined data elements (displayed below) that are mandatory and enables you to be able to add custom data elements such as currency, decimal, integer, text, and date fields in the attribute form.

The system-defined data elements will be added by default, when you create the new manually created activity sheet attributes form.

When you save the attribute form, the Detail Form log displays an entry for the new manually created activity sheet attributes form.

You can change the function of the data elements on the form, except for the mandatory data elements (such as Activity ID, Activity Name, Start, Finish, Duration, and so forth).

You can edit the block properties and rearrange the data elements in multiple columns in the form.

Data Elements (uuu) of Manual Activity Sheet Attributes


Activity ID (uuu_P6ActivityID)

Editable and required (behavior of element cannot be changed)

Activity Name (uuu_P6ActivityName) 

Editable and required  (behavior of element cannot be changed)

Activity Percent Complete (uuu_P6PercentComplete)


Performance Percent Complete (uuu_P6PerfPercComplete)


Activity Type (uuu_P6ActivityType)

Editable with data set values - Task Dependent and Start Milestone with default value 'Task Dependent'  

Actual Duration (uuu_P6ActualDuration)


Actual Duration will be read-only and calculated as duration between Actual Start and data date or Actual Finish.

Actual Finish (uuu_P6ActualFinish)


Actual Duration will be read-only and calculated as duration between Actual Start and data date or Actual Finish.

Actual Start (uuu_P6ActualStart)


Actual Duration will be read-only and calculated as duration between Actual Start and data date or Actual Finish.

CBS Code (bitemID)


Duration (uuu_P6Duration)

Editable and required  (behavior of element cannot be changed)

ETC Technique (uuu_P6ETC)

Read-only and displays the etc. technique selected using uuu_cmwbs_picker.

Finish (uuu_P6Finish)

Editable and required  (behavior of element cannot be changed)

Planned Duration (uuu_P6PlannedDuration)


Planned Finish (uuu_P6PlannedFinish)


Planned Start (uuu_P6PlannedStart)


Remaining Duration (uuu_P6RemainingDuration)


Remaining Early Finish (uuu_P6RemainingEarlyFinish)


Remaining Early Start (uuu_P6RemainingEarlyStart)


Start (uuu_P6Start)

Editable and required  (behavior of element cannot be changed)

Status (uuu_P6ActivityStatus)

Editable with data set values - Not Started, In Progress and Completed. Default value- 'Not Started'


Read-only on form and grid and cannot be changed to editable.


Read-only on form and grid and cannot be changed to editable.


Read-only on form and grid and cannot be changed to editable.



At runtime, by default the summed up value from the assignments is shown (Planned Total Units will show sum of planned units from the assigned resources/roles. The same is the case with other Total units fields.



At runtime, by default the summed up value from the assignments is shown (Planned Total Units will show sum of planned units from the assigned resources/roles. The same is the case with other Total units fields.



At runtime, by default the summed up value from the assignments is shown (Planned Total Units will show sum of planned units from the assigned resources/roles. The same is the case with other Total units fields.






Read-only on form and grid and cannot be changed to editable. Fields show the computed values.


Read-only on form and grid and cannot be changed to editable. Fields show the computed values.


Read-only on form and grid and cannot be changed to editable. Fields show the computed values.


Read-only on form and grid and cannot be changed to editable. Fields show the computed values.


Read-only on form and grid and cannot be changed to editable. Fields show the computed values.


Read-only on form and grid and cannot be changed to editable. Fields show the computed values.


Read-only on form and grid and cannot be changed to editable. Fields show the computed values.


Read-only on form and grid and cannot be changed to editable. Fields show the computed values.


Read-only on form and grid and cannot be changed to editable. Fields show the computed values.


Read-only on form and grid and cannot be changed to editable. Fields show the computed values.


Read-only on form and grid and cannot be changed to editable. Fields show the computed values.


Read-only on form and grid and cannot be changed to editable. Fields show the computed values.


Read-only on form and grid and cannot be changed to editable. Fields show the computed values.


Read-only on form and grid and cannot be changed to editable. Fields show the computed values.

WBS Code (uuu_P6WBSCode)

WBS Code and WBS Name - Not Mandatory elements in the default attribute form created they will be added and marked as read-only.

WBS Path and ETC technique - read only on the form.

User can define the auto populate using WBS Attribute as source for the above data elements in Activity attribute form.

WBS Name (uuu_P6WBSName)

WBS Code and WBS Name - Not Mandatory elements in the default attribute form created they will be added and marked as read-only.

WBS Path and ETC technique - read only on the form.

User can define the auto populate using WBS Attribute as source for the above data elements in Activity attribute form.

WBS Path (uuu_P6WBSPath)

WBS Code and WBS Name - Not Mandatory elements in the default attribute form created they will be added and marked as read-only.

WBS Path and ETC technique - read only on the form.

User can define the auto populate using WBS Attribute as source for the above data elements in Activity attribute form.

ETC Technique (uuu_P6ETC)

WBS Code and WBS Name - Not Mandatory elements in the default attribute form created they will be added and marked as read-only.

WBS Path and ETC technique - read only on the form.

User can define the auto populate using WBS Attribute as source for the above data elements in Activity attribute form.

WBS Code (uuu_P6WBSCode)


WBS Picker (uuu_cmwbs_picker)

Editable on the form and grid

WBS Picker (uuu_cmwbs_picker)


For details, see the Unifier Reference Guide.

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Last Published Friday, April 9, 2021