Automating a Schedule Using Scope Management

The Schedule Manager includes a schedule automation feature called "Scope Management" that you can use for those projects that can "self-manage" themselves. Scope Management creates project deliverables, assigns resources to the deliverables, and drives the coordinated completion of the deliverables. It initiates the activities that produce the deliverables based on fixed durations and the completion of dependencies; routes the activities to the responsible person or group; monitors their completion; and updates the activity’s status automatically.

Note: You can use Scope Management on any schedule, including a master schedule.

Any project, large or small, can benefit from scope management if it uses a set of discrete, standardized deliverables and dependencies which must be produced within specific, predictable durations. The typical volume of these projects can be in the hundreds or thousands; they might use 10 to 30 roles or participants on each project; and there are typically 10 to 1,000 deliverables per project.

The design of Scope Management particularly suits high-volume, quick-turnaround projects, such as constructing a chain of coffee houses, or installing wireless cell towers or commercial security systems. These projects typically:

In operation, Scope Management automatically creates a business process record from any activity on a schedule sheet that is set for scope management. In Primavera Unifier, users link the activity to a business process, select the users or groups that should work on the tasks, and specify what conditions the activity must meet before Scope Management can declare the activity complete. The activity BP proceeds through the workflow, where team members work on each task in the activity, and the Scope Management feature automatically sends the task to the next assignee and updates the activity status on the schedule sheet.

Note: In schedule automation, a single activity can be linked to only one BP record at a time; no two activities can share the same record.

To prepare scope management for a project:

The uDesigner user must:

The Primavera Unifier administrator must:

  • Add certain data elements to the Activity Attribute form to prepare the activity for scope management
  • Design BPs to be used by the activity in scope management

Set up the scope management in the schedule template by:

  • Turning on auto-scheduling for the schedule
  • Entering a start date for the automated project
  • Specifying the name of the BP that should be launched by the activity
  • Specifying the users or groups that will be responsible for the completion of the activity
  • Specifying the conditions under which the activity will be considered "complete"

To function in Primavera Unifier, Scope Management:

Scope Management Activity Statuses

Scope Management activity statuses are pre-defined and cannot be changed or added to. These statuses are attached to activities as they proceed through the Scope Management workflow. They are:

Not Started

All activities are in this status by default. This status means that a BP has not yet been launched for this activity.

In Progress

Scope Management sets the activity status to In Progress when all predecessor activities have been completed and the current activity is Not Started. When this occurs, a new BP record is created and linked to the activity.


An activity is Complete when the BP linked to the activity is complete, based on the completion conditions that were specified for the activity.

Not Applicable

This status is only available if the activity has been switched to manual mode. If a user takes the activity off "auto-update" and specifies a Not Applicable status, the Schedule Manager will ignore this activity when it evaluates predecessors and will set its successor activity to In Progress.

Assuming Manual Control

In Primavera Unifier, users can take manual control over an activity at any time by deselecting the Auto-update Activity Data checkbox on the activity’s Properties window. If they do this:

Subsequently, the user can return the activity to Scope Management mode by selecting the Auto-update Activity Data checkbox on the activity’s Properties window. To resume Scope Management, Primavera Unifier:

If the activity is not yet linked to a BP, Primavera Unifier checks internal scope conditions. If those conditions are satisfied, Primavera Unifier launches the appropriate BP and sets the activity’s status to In Progress. If those conditions are not satisfied, Primavera Unifier sets the activity’s status to Not Started.

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Last Published Friday, April 9, 2021