Designing a Formula for Fund or Account Codes

Fund codes and company account codes are usually a composite of multiple segments that identify the exact origin of the fund or account in the accounting scheme. To build the fund or account code, you must concatenate the accounting segments into one identifier by designing a composite field that combines multiple data elements. You will be building the code by combining values from text box data elements and specifying a string-type pull-down; for example, designing a field called "Fund Identifier" using a formula that includes Fund Name, Fund No., and location.

Fund and company account codes can be up to 250 characters long, including delimiters (such as dashes or underscores).

Take Extra Care with These Codes!

To design a formula

  1. Open the attribute form containing the field for which you want to build the formula.
  2. Click Detail Form in the Navigator. The Form Designer window opens.
  3. Click the Properties button on the toolbar. The Elements Properties window opens.
  4. Select the field and click the Formula button. The Formula Creation window opens.
  5. Select a delimiter.

    The delimiter separates the elements. For example if you select a dash (-) between elements for Account Identifier, it would appear as Account–Record-Location.

    You must select the delimiter before adding the element to the right pane. You can select only one delimiter.

  6. Select an element from the left pane
  7. Click Add Parameter or double click the element. The element moves to the right pane.

    If you select the wrong element, click Undo or Clear All. After you add an element, the element list is disabled and the delimiter icon is activated.

  8. Click the delimiter icon to add the element into the formula creation field.
  9. Continue adding other elements following the same procedure.
  10. Click OK to save the formula and close the window.

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Last Published Friday, April 9, 2021