Updating Query-Based Field Values with a Trigger Element

Data elements built on the SYS Numeric Query Based data definition extract data from any business process or manager sheet. These elements prompt Unifier to run a query to extract the information. (This query is created by the administrator at the time the business process is configured.) These elements are updated:

The instructions in this section show you how to assign a trigger element to a query-based field.

Note: This feature is not available for company-level, single-record business processes.

To assign a trigger element to update a field value

  1. Open the form that contains the field you want to update. The Form Designer window opens.
  2. In the Form Designer window, click the Properties button on the toolbar. The Elements Properties window opens showing a list of the fields (data elements) on the form.
  3. Select the query-based field(s) you want to update and click the Trigger Elements button. uDesigner displays the Trigger Elements window.
  4. Click the Add button. The Trigger Column Header window opens.
  5. In the Data Element Label field, select the data element you want to act as the trigger that will update the value in the query-based field(s) you selected in Step 3.

    The Data Element Name field will show the name of the data element you selected.

    Note: The trigger element must be an editable field, such as the refid element that references a contract business process.

  6. Click OK.
  7. On the Trigger Elements window, click OK.

To remove a trigger element from a field

  1. Open the form that contains the query-based field currently being updated. The Form Designer window opens.
  2. In the Form Designer window, click the Properties button on the toolbar. The Elements Properties window opens showing a list of the fields (data elements) on the form.
  3. Select the field(s) you want to remove the trigger element from.
  4. Click the Trigger Elements button. uDesigner displays the Trigger Elements window.
  5. Select the trigger elements you want to remove and click the Remove button.
  6. Click OK.

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Last Published Friday, April 9, 2021